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Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, but on the bright side, it's my bub's birthday today!

Happy birthday my main bae, Andrea! Without her, my writing wouldn't have improved since she's a massive grammar nazi lmao but please go say happy birthday to her in the comments to make her happy! :) btw she's filipino and I think I've heard that some of you are too (?)


PS: please excuse me if this is a very short prologue because there's so many things going on right now and life's been so busy and I'm so sorry if the next few chapter's gonna be the same length as this one!  Again, I'm so sorry! :(

I hope you understand!


It's been a good 5 months. No him. No drama. No headaches. No love. The only 'love' I can find right now is the guy that came out of nowhere. I mean, we've just filmed an animated movie together a while ago, but I never knew that he contains a sliver of feelings for me, so I decided that this might be just the perfect distraction to get my mind of Harry. Plus, Zac's a good guy.

He asked me out two months ago and to be completely honest, I was shocked when I said yes. I was quite surprised that the words would've slipped out of my mouth that easily.

Breakdowns occurred approximately 2 times a month and those are the major ones. The ones where I wouldn't speak for an hour, afraid that I'd choke on my tears that kept urging to pour out.

And here I am, in Zac's house, sitting on his sofa, different smell, different person, different lover. It feels weird dating him, to be honest, because he's so sweet, kind, gentle and he agrees with everything I say, while Harry.. he's moody, sarcastic, rude, but that's why I like him I guess. People are different, but after almost half a year of remembering, I'm going to spend the rest of the year forgetting.

But even though I force myself to forget, I'd never be able to completely do it. That smile, those dimples, his eyes, his hair, his smell and just.. everything about him makes me flush. He's my Achilles heel and I admit that I miss him more than anything.

Although at the back of my mind, one memory picks at me and remembering this one hurts the most.

"Do you believe in us?" His words echo through my mind as well as my actions. I can still feel myself nod.

"Then promise me something." His deep voice knitted in my memory starts to speak.

"Anything." I replied, I can still feel that small lump in my throat back then, the feeling was so intense that it vibrated every sense of my body to get used to it.

"Wait for me." He said.

Wait for me.

Wait for me.

The phrase repeated it self over and over again. I've never felt so impatient. I waited for him. I am now. I've never been so crazy in love with someone, and I'm pretty sure that I'll never be.

My hands flick on the television remote to start the distraction before I have my second breakdown this month and E! new pops up. Oh no.

But before I could change the channel, something substantially catches my attention and that's when the reporter says the name "Harry Styles".

It's him.

The one who broke my heart, but the one who taped it back all in one day.

The one who made my heart beat faster than a racing horse and the one who can make my legs go weak by just one look.

The one who left me to continue to pursue his career and I was completely fine with that. But I didn't know how much I loved him until I let him go.

"Harry, what's your biggest secret right now?" My mind snaps back in reality, hearing the reporter.

"I don't know if I can-" He starts to say but the reporter rudely cuts him off.

"C'mon there's gotta be one." The reporter pushes.

"It's a.." He speaks, but his voice fades and his eyes starts to daze off into a daydream state, the corner of his lips rose up forming the adorable grin that I've always loved so much.

"What is it?" The reporter continues to push.

"It's a promise." His mouth moves hesitantly, letting the words out and I've never been so alive since the days we spent together.

The thought made me smile like a mad person and it's the most geniune smile I put on since he left.

He remembers.




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