Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I sit there, in the chair, her and I once sat, I remember being nervous on this very spot and telling me that I was confident when I was feeling the total opposite. I miss her very, very much, still to this day. It's been a full five months without her and the emptiness still lingers in my heart to this very day. The vacancy haunts me and it makes me feel lonelier everyday.

"Harry Styles, Joan and Andrew has given me an order to inform you to go meet them in the meeting room," the Modest Management employee, with the name tag of 'Nancy' announces as I give her a nod.

"Good luck, mate, don't do anything stupid." Louis whispers as he pats my back, giving me a boost of confidence, I assume the boys know what's going on and I don't which brings me to come to the conclusion that I surely don't want to breakdown or cause any burden in that room again. Ever.

As I step through the door, Andrew and Joan awaits me, both sat on a chair. The smell of business fills the air and something tells me that they're going to tell me some kind of plan, but I just can't figure out what.

"So?" I ask waiting for one of them to speak up, sitting back on my own chair.

"As you are aware, it has been 5 months, Harry, are you over it?" Joan speaks up, finally.

"Do not call her an 'it'." I growl. If Joan is going to play this game, then I'd happily go along, but I'm not sure if I can cope any longer.

"Fine. But it's been a full five months, Harry." Joan replies, not pushing further, but it hurts, you know? Being constantly reminded of her in my mind already, I don't want another physical reminder.

I clench my jaw at the memory. Good times.

"We..uh.. have a new plan for you."

I knew it. I fucking knew it.

I stare at them, my jaws still clenched, I already don't want to know what this is going to be about, because what ever it is, it's going to be the worse decision I'm going to have to make, I can tell.

"We have this girl, we want you to.. get along with." Andrew swallows as he looks at Joan, nudging her for some support to convince me.

"She's real nice, Harry, you'll like her, I'm sure of that-"

"Not as much as I loved Taylor." I cut off, sucking in my breath.

"You have to do this Harry. We've seen many bands going down. It's absolutely horrid and we know you wouldn't want that with your band, would you?" She says, emphasizing on the word your. Damn, this woman is good at convincing. What if my band goes down because of one, crazy shit done by me.

"I'll take that silence as a 'okay I'll do it'" Andrew notices my silence.


"Don't worry, Harry, she's nice. Her mom is associated with our management so we'll do anything to push you and your bandmate's career up."

"You fucking tossed her out of my life, just like that!" I yell, anger fuming inside of me as memories flash through my mind, one by one. All the beautiful ones had to be torn up because they caused it and it jabs my heart everytime I think of it. This world is cruel in a way.

"Listen, Harry!" Joan shouts at me, not caring about how each and every one of her words are bringing back the love I had for her and it's still there.

"Listen to what, Joan? You're controlling me like a fucking puppet and I'm not letting you do that this time! It's not fucking right. I gave her my heart, I gave her everything and she did the same, it was going so fucking well until you came in and cut our threads like bloody scissors!" I shout, tears swelling under my eyes and the lump in my throat gets bigger as I swallow as hard as I can.

Suddenly, I hear a budge on the door and Liam comes in.

"What's going on?" He asks, but he notices when he sees the expression on my face.

"Harry, mate, it's hard, but you've got to do it, we can see it in the past month, mate, we've seen our fans break records for us and win awards for us, but that was bloody months ago and maybe this'll do the trick. It's hard, man, I know, but it's for us. For One Direction." He sits down next to me and pats my back.

But what about the promise? What about her?

"I fucking love her, Liam, I can't push her out further more." I whisper and I can feel the tears not staying in anymore, as one roll down the side of my face. 

"Harry, please." Joan begs and I can see the stress in her face, she's been trying to keep our band up for ages and all I can do for her is to just fucking accept this shit. I swear, I wouldn't do this for the world, but maybe I can fix our band, by simply doing this.

I think for a while, before nodding and seeing the relief on Joan's face.

What the fuck have I put myself into?

I sign the contract, without reading, knowing it's the same shit. It's always the same bullshit. 

I know very well that this is just making the promise more impossible but I am still keeping it. No matter what, I'm going to love her, for the rest of my life and I know for sure that she's not going to give up on me this easily either, I know her more than myself and with that, I can make sure that she's still mine, even when I'm with someone else, I can make this promise work. I can. I will.

"This is her file." Joan says as she hands me a purple folder under the label 'Contract November-December'. So a three month contract. Alright.

"So I'm going to date her?" I question, bluntly.

"If you're going to say that straight away, then I suppose." Joan nods and I open the folder, revealing a few pictures of a girl.

She's pretty, she is, very, but it's just not the same. Not as beautiful as my girl. Not at all. Her brunnette hair sprawled all over her chest and her smile is beautifully wide. Her hazel eyes capture my attention but they are blunt compared to her gunmetal blue ones. The amount of makeup she wears is alright, not too much and not too little, which is good. Her amazing height, shines throughout the picture and it reminds me of Taylor. Once again. I can't help comparing her with Taylor, it's not normal to me anymore, to be paired with another girl.

"Okay, so what's her name?" I ask closing the folder and looking at Andrew.

"Kendall Jenner."




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