Chapter 5

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I was out for what seemed like forever, but I awoke to the fastest spinning of my entire life. My head spun like I was on a rollercoaster going round and round.

But from what I remembered, I was nowhere near the position I was in last time I was conscious. His voice still echoed in my head like it was constantly being replayed on the radio.

I was on a couch and I couldn't say it wasn't comfortable either but my long, itchy dress made me think the opposite.

I slightly turned my head to look around my surroundings. I see a clock, showing the time; eight forty-one. I was only out for about ten minutes.

I made the effort to get up but before I even moved, a voice disrupted my actions.

"You're awake, darling?" The voice asked rhetorically.

I turn my head so quick I could've snapped my neck.

My eyes widen by the sight; the person who spoke.

It was him. I couldn't say that I didn't want to see him, because, lord, I wanna do more than shake his hand. His features are breath-taking as always. His curly hair stuck out in different directions, like the way he woke up. His plump lips, I've never seen them dry, it's always red and healthy and still is. But seeing his lips made mine drier.

My body froze when my eyes locked into his. This is actually happening. I am seeing him properly and not just in a media form or his voice through voicemail, but this is actually real life.

My mouth opened and closed again, trying to speak, but only to fail miserably.

My pupils felt like it could pop out any moment and my heart pounded louder than ever due to the silencing slowly swallowing our existence. My breathing wasn't normal either and sweat coated my palms.

Do something, Taylor.

I attempt to stand up, but my body decides to make me go as far as only sitting. To my surprise, he does the same and stands. Closer to me than I would like. His presence sent shivers down my body and made me feel even smaller. He made me feel all weird inside, the butterflies played tag in my stomach and I can slowly feel my heart rate getting slower and more calming than before.

Seconds flew by fast and his fingers laced in mine, forcing me to stand up. Just the contact of his skin made my stomach do backflips and this is when I remembered it clear as day; this is exactly what love feels like.

I, however, didn't meet his gaze, we were still silent. Not speaking at all. Although actions speak louder than words.

The warmth he produced was incredible and it was so familiar. It stung against my cold skin, but I can be in his arms forever if he let me and I wouldn't complain about anything. He makes me feel needed and safe and secure and everything a girl wants to feel. He makes me feel loved and actually special. Like my existence actually was worth something.

I pulled all my courage together and met his gaze. This made my legs go weak, like I could tremble at any moment. His eyes were a hundred shades of beautiful and I know these so well, from how it'll dart around at corners when he would think hard to how it would completely be focused on one thing when he's serious.

I looked back and forth between his eyes and his lips and he reciprocates.

"I've missed you more than daylight, darling." He barely whispers and my stomach churns, forcing my smile to slowly form.

My arms snakes its way to his waist and I cannot fathom how much I've missed this touch into words. His hands gently glides up and down my arm and abruptly stops at my elbow and mine stops just when I reach the middle of his back.

I'm pretty sure my height is tall enough to surpass most guys but I was short compared to Harry now. He's grown fast and my eyes no longer lined directly opposite of his. It met his nose instead, so I had to slightly look up to meet his eyes.

I'm really not believing that just a second ago, I dreaded to see him, but that was thrown off the window by now. Everything is, basically.

He moves his hand up to my chin and made me tilt my head up even more as he tilts his down. Our proximity is close and our noses slightly brushed against eachothers. I feel his index finger slowly stroke my cheek as the rest rests on my chin. His tenderness and gentle movements made this peaceful and not uncomfortable.

He leans in and I do the same, our lips touched, eyes closed and I didn't even think about pulling back, but the person barging in the door clearly made me and I flinch from the sound and broke Harry's gentle contact.

We both jumped and fortunately, it was only the host, telling us to go back to our seats in a minute, it was a short announcement so we were alone again.

"Fuck." Harry cursed under his breath and I stare at the ground silently. I didn't want to leave him.

We both knew we had one minute which isn't very much so we quickly cleared our things and walked towards the door.

I gulped the lump in my throat as his hand brushed passed mine and a piece of paper fell from his big ones into my cold, tiny ones.

I quickly crumpled the paper and held it tight, we walked the opposite way, without even saying another word to one another.

After holding onto the anxiety to read the note for the rest of the twenty minutes of the show, I ran to the bathroom, making Zac wait for me outside and fumble to open the half ripped note which had been on my hand. I held on to it so hard my hand turned into slight tint of white, my palm consisting of several nail prints.

I scanned the written letters carefully and this made me smile wider than I've smiled the entire month. I read the text over and over.

Written in Harry's cute, impossible-to-read scribbly handwriting, it translates itself normally in my eyes,

Kendall and I aren't in a real relationship and I love you very, very much.

PS: Zac's outfit wasn't on point.

PPS: I don't think I ship Zac with my girlfriend either.

H x :)


harry you cute little shit lol hoPE YOU ENJOYED this wasn't really apart of the story line but i did it for the sake of haylor feels you're very welcome.

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