Chapter 1

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I flinch as the lights flickered of one by one, the power suddenly went out, just like that, in a snap. Sucks being at an old house.

I don't bother calling anyone to fix it, despite the raining outside that might've been the cause of electricity absence. Instead I go upstairs to my old room, looking around the bed and the memories come flooding down like waves crashing onto shore and tears starts to swell in, rooting at the bottom corner of my pale blue eyes that were once blue when he was there.

My body moves by itself and I move to the wooden drawer, right next to my old bed that haven't been used since that day. 

I slowly open the drawer as disgusting noises are heard, making me feel like this old drawer might disintegrate at any moment. As soon as I do, I smell the slight scent of cologne - Harry's, to be specific. It's so familiar that it's indescribable, if only everyone could know this feeling. The drawer unveiled more of what is consisting inside and the red-brown material exposes itself as the nostalgic feeling lingers in the back of my mind.

Harry's plaid shirt appears and before I know it, I am holding the sleeve and unfolding it, from it's neatly folded form. It's so big, way bigger than two of my shirts combined. I can already see him - his chest, the way they'd move slightly at the same pace as his heart everytime it picks up its pace. I can still remember the feeling I get everytime I lay in his warm chest, I feel safe and secure. Like nothing in the world can hurt me. I can still feel myself tracing along his tattoos, the ship, the inked heart, the ropes and the anchor. 

I still remember every single feeling I felt when I was with him. His smell would fill the air as we'd lay down and talk about random things that would appear out of one of our minds and undoubtedly, we'd make our conversations go on for hours without even trying or feeling awkward and it truly is the best thing.

I trace through the patterns of the shirt and follow along the straight lines, feeling the soft cotton material under my finger.

I put it down and look more in the drawer, I see a hoodie - his hoodie. Once again. God, why are there so many of his possessions in this house? I grab it once again and memories flash across my mind, it's the one I borrowed every night when we'd go to the sleep, on the same bed, when we were allowed to see each other and not kept away like prisoners. 

It's still soft and I miss it so much. I miss everything so much. I miss him so much. I miss us so much. I slide it down my upper torso and undoubtedly, it reaches my thigh, like always, Harry's hoodie's are always so long and comfortable, it feels like home and it feels like the love I used to feel when I'm with him. 

I reach in the drawer again searching for more things, and then I touch something soft. I look up and of course, I see the many scarves which Harry certainly uses as his headbands, I hated them at first, I said they didn't match him, but as time flew by, I adored them. The way it'd fit so perfectly on his head and the way the patterns would match his perfect chocolate brown curls. I loved them so much. I loved his clothes so much. I loved him so much.

Before I know what is going on, I feel the warmth of my tears, hugging on the side of my cheek, sliding and rolling down the corner of my eye one by one without stopping. I quickly wipe them away and snatch my phone out of my back pocket, turning on the lockscreen, now a picture of my cat, Meredith.

But I skip that for once and unlocked my phone, sliding to my camera roll. I slide up to one picture I loved so much and then the flashback came.

"Harry! Stop, it's my phone!" I giggle as he refused to give my phone back after stealing it from me after accusing me of playing with it too much. I tried to reach up to my phone, but his height towers over mine in a over powering way and there's no way I can reach that height, even on my tip-toes.

He smiles back at me but doesn't reply, he uses his thumb to slide the screen up, showing the camera and turning it on the front facing mode.

"Wha-" I start to question, but he quickly presses his lips against my cheek, and I hear a snap of the camera.

"Accident." He says, but I simply know it's a complete lie. He did that on purpose, but I don't care. I love it. I love the picture. I love him and the relationship we have.

I giggle, but again, I got cut off by his lips crashing onto mine, dropping my phone on the couch.

The flashback ends in the back of my mind and the tears stream down again, constantly pouring down again. 

I wipe the tears away again, this time it isn't successful, it doesn't stop, it just keeps pouring down. 

Our love was beautiful until they took it away, but he promised. And if he's going to break it, I'm going to break along with it, but let's all just hope, only hope, that he keeps it and comes back for me, the way I would for him. I am waiting. I am dating Zac, but I am waiting. I'm his. Always.



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