Chapter 6

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Well, I made it to the VMA's after party (yes there is an after party I am forced to attend to rip my heart out even more). The place looked like a typical party, but the only difference is that the people attending are apparently classified as 'high class' which I completely disagree with.

I step into the party with Zac's hand intertwined in mine, the message still ringing clearly in my ears and the image of the messy handwriting stuck on the back of my mind.

The atmosphere felt slightly unpleasant and caused quite a discomfort, but I somehow adapted to the loud atmosphere and loosened up.

I can see celebrities drinking just around the corner and some managers gathered in one corner, quietly chit chatting. Myself, on the other hand sat on the couch with Zac, sipping the bitterness down, burning my throat with every gulp, however I quickly got used to it.

Once I thought I've had enough of the drink that I got bored of, I stood up to get myself an orange juice to help the burning sensation in my throat and sat back on my couch. I rested my head on Zac's shoulder and closed my eyes for a second and it slowly turned into a minute and then it turned into a nap. The music started to get slower and I fell asleep - in a party, I'm probably the only person who can even do that.

When I wake up, I was still on Zac's shoulder, he was awake though, making me wonder how long I've slept.

"How long was I napping for?" I nudge him, my eyes half closed.

"Not long, about ten minutes." He replied and I nodded, tilting my head back up to a sight and sooner, I realized the mop of curls and I noticed just how long it was and it made me realize how long it was since. I find myself staring at him for a long time, not even realizing there was a girl sitting next to him. I sat not far from him either, I can see more of the back of his head, but just a little of of his face, this angle would be weird for normal people. But this angle made him look even more perfect, the light shining on his face and everything.

I turned my eyes on the girl - Kendall. Her brown hair is really silky, the color almost matched his and judging by her legs, she might even be taller than he is, but you never know. Her short dress and stunning face made me self conscious and I became more aware of my appearance instantly.

"Hey, stop it. We're here to have fun, baby, chill out." Zac snapped me out of my thoughts; he realized my uncomfortable expression. 

And with that, he tilted my face up to meet his and crashed his lips into mine, distracting me from the world.


I couldn't say that being with Kendall wasn't fun, it is, but knowing that Taylor is at the back of me makes me anxious. Paps didn't even care if we could see them clearly, snapping pictures of us, the clicking of the sound makes me feel nostalgic. I forcefully wrapped my arms around Kendall and she seemed to play along with the act.

However, I wasn't looking at her, the corner of my eye rested upon the blonde girl who is sitting with the guy who I picked up a sliver of hate for. His presence wasn't right and I didn't like him at all.

I can feel her eyes staring right through me too, but I didn't dare say a word or even smirk at her, that can ruin the whole act. All I know is that she is beautiful; her red lipstick, blue eyes, blonde hair and pink cheeks infatuated me and her laugh made me bite my lip, preventing a smile.

However, her eyes weren't on mine, they went back to Zac and they started making out, out of fucking nowhere.

And something sparked up in me. It just made me feel some type of way - not angry. It's something I've never felt before. It feels like hate, but it's not completely hate. It's something similar to desire - I don't want her with him, I want her with me, selfish idea, but minds don't separate the selfish and selfless thoughts.

Apparently, I was a little angry at her too, for allowing his lips to crash onto hers like that - like how I used to do. Being my slightly asshole self, I coughed loudly, loud enough for her to hear, stopping her actions laying her eyes back on me.

When I made sure her eyes were completely on me, I kissed Kendall hard, it took her off guard, she didn't kiss back for a while, but she caught on and reciprocated the action. I didn't feel anything, I felt adrenaline, I wanted to look back and see Taylor's reaction, but I didn't, just for the sake of it.

Just when I thought it was long enough to make her feel jealous, I turned back to see her back at it again. Her body sat on Zac's lap and they were technically sucking on each other's face making me cringe.

"I need the bathroom." I say to Kendall, hurriedly getting to the bathroom and digging into my pockets to snatch my phone out.

I dial Andrew's number as fast as I can and cursed when I reach voicemail. 

After ten times of trying, he picks up with a sleepy voice, indicating that the fucker was asleep.


"Get the paps away from here." I demand, my fists balled and my jaws clenched tight.

"What-" He starts to say but I cut him off before he can even fit another syllable in.

"Just fucking do it unless you want the contract figured out." I almost shout into the phone, slightly lowering it when someone comes in to piss.

"Okay, what the fuck, calm the fuck down." He curses and I hang up, waiting impatiently.

When I think the paps are gone, I peer out the bathroom door and evidently see that there are no more flashing cameras. I smirk mentally when I see Taylor heading into the woman's bathroom as well.

Perfect timing.

I get out of the bathroom, heading to the couch Taylor and Zac were on, only to find the little lad alone, his stare burning on mine.

"Listen mate," I start.


After too many drinks, and of course making out, my bladder got heavy and it urged me to go to the toilet, so I did. I squeezed myself through people in the crowd, stopped to greet some people on the way and did my business. When I was done, I realized a commotion - a lot of shouting and even glasses shattering.

I wished I never came out of the bathroom because I came out to see the worst case scenario; one I couldn't even imagine or think of.

I see Zac and Harry, shouting at eachother and purposely throwing glasses on the floor. This made my heart fly away. It rushed out of my ribcage and was nowhere to be found. I felt like sinking into the floor and disappearing.

Before I was even able to rush into the situation, Zac's fist came in contact with Harry's jaw.


shit went down the fan like damnnnnnnn lol ily i'll update soon :)

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