Chapter 7

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((just a little bit of your heart by Ariana Grande, written by Harold Edward Styles is the most beautiful thing in the world and listening to it while writing this chapter was absolutely painful, i warned you.))

Everything went into a full on blur and I didn't even know what to think. Harry's nose started to bleed and I can already see the smirk on his face. He didn't feel it, hell I didn't even think that he knew that his nose had blood flowing out of it.

But apparently all he did was get angrier and I can tell that this is gonna get worse, I tried to move my feet to do something, but it doesn't cooperate, it's like I got glued right into my spot and I am not able to even blink.

Harry has started to hit him back hard and the DJ stopped the music, trying to help separate the two angry boys, one in which I am dating and one that I am completely in love with, but of course, being human he doesn't want to get hit too, so he's reluctantly helping and he's really not doing much.

"You little dick!" Zac confronts Harry only to make him angrier, he gives Harry a nearly missed blow, his knuckles just zooming passed Harry's cheek, making me flinch.

"Fucking bastard!" Harry shouts and punches Zac, this time it hits directly on the cheek, Zac falls to floor, I was expecting him to get up, but he doesn't, making my heart beat even fast, luckily my feet jumped and I ran towards Zac, who was laying on the floor while Harry wiped the blood away from his face.

I slapped his face lightly, several times but he didn't wake up and this is when tears started to rim at the roots of my eyes.

"Hey, wake up, please," I whisper quietly, by this time, the whole party was quiet, not even footsteps were heard, I'm pretty sure that you can pretty much hear a water drop at this moment.

Thump. Thump .Thump. The sound of my heart shudders, I can hear it so loud, louder than anyone in the room right now and I'm not happy about the sudden motion of my heart.

I traced down his jawline and made sure I didn't feel any gaps and fortunately, there were none, but the left side of his cheeks are completely bruised, the color of it made me cringe, but his breathing reassured that he was okay and nothing too beyond. It was a general, basic bruise that would take some time to heal.

I suddenly felt a hand snake it's way around my waist and I didn't even give myself a second thought about who it might be.

I slap Harry's hands away and stood up, getting him up with me. I glared at him, my anger flowing into my eyes and it dwells in my body.

"You..." I start to shout, but he pulls me away, to the bathroom - the men's bathroom, to be specific.

"Yeah, I'd rather you not shout." He says calmly, but that angered me even more.

"What the fuck?!" I scream at his face, but he didn't even flinch, my hands pushed at his chest, revealing almost all my anger, but I didn't feel the need to push him, I feel the need to hear reasons.

"He punched me first, I'm not fucking dumb to ignore that little bastard," He speaks up, his own glare piercing through mine. It's weird how we can change so damn fast, we were all so close and loved up, but we could change in a second and I find that very annoying and uncontrollably frustrating.

"But you can't just... ugh!" I scream and slam my hands on the sink and that was the most regretted decision of my life. Once my hand came in contact with the sink, it made a crackling sound and a sharp pain flows through my hands, I can't help but flinch, but I tried to hold in my squeal, however my expression seemed to give it out and he reaches out for my hands right away.

"Hey, if you're mad, let it out on me, don't hurt yourself babe, just.. don't." He barely whispers, and squeezes my hand, not too tight, but tight enough to make me feel my limp hand.

"Harry, we can't keep this." I say, my other hand coming in contact with his chest, trying to push him away. His body is way too close, his hips are touching mine and the proximity of our faces isn't distant either.

"Just give me at least a little bit of love, I- I don't know what to do without you and just thinking of you makes me fall in love over and over again, just please.." He practically begs, but I force myself to push his words out of my mind that was racing faster than anything.

"I- we need to part way for once and I can't do this, I just- I can't right now." I fumble on my words and his hands just dropped in front of me and my eyes widen at the first thing that he does. He breaks down. 

Constant tears flowed down his face and it broke my heart, to say the least. I've never seen Harry break down this hard, his breathing hitched and it wasn't a usual pattern. I move closer to him and slowly hands around my waist. At this point, I had to stand on the edge of my toes, to even reach his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I say, my words barely audible, but I made sure it was genuine and sincere. I couldn't do this and I know he couldn't do this either.


I can't stop the tears coming down and I can't stop my stuttering and I cringe at the thought of myself crying, but here I am, breaking down, shame slamming right into my face.

I was a fool. For her. I can't even think straight. My mind isn't working properly. But right now, all I was thinking was getting her. Even though she wanted Zac, I'd still want her. Even just a little bit of her would make her happy and that's what I crave and desire. It's all I'm asking her. I've fallen for her again and again and to be completely honest, all the trouble I've been through, I'd do it again, just to feel that feeling again of seeing her smile and just feeling the love she has for me. It's overwhelmingly the most precious feeling, I'd be willing to cherish. We've been apart and most people would think that I'd fall out of love easily, the truth is, everytime her face appears in my head or even the TV screen, I'd fall in love again and again and again. It keeps going, she keeps me going and I love her. God, I love Taylor Alison Swift.

"So you're going to leave me?" I ask, my voice cracking, I pulled my hair back out away from my face and wipe the shameful tears from my eyes that I regretted shedding immediately.

"I- I'm really sorry, It's just that I don't know what to do, I don't know what to feel, but I just want to be happy, it's sickening and selfish, but it's all I'm asking for." Her voice starts to narrow down and sadness laced in her voice, beating my heart into pieces.

"I understand," I whisper, pulling away from her touch and looking away, she nods and the confirmation became clear as day when she walks out the door without another word said.


Zac recovered a lot from that punch, although it had only been thirty minutes since the fight, ice and hot water is the best remedy. 

The party kept going, but it was more dim and less lively, I could say. 

When we left, most of the people left with their significant other, but mine is with another woman and I am with another man.


hi, so you're probably wondering why my updates got slower, well let me give you a reason because I figured that you probably want reasons lol so basically I'm going through hard times in my life. Someone very important to me is going to leave my life and I only have no more than a year to spend with him, and it's heart breaking that I could've done more with him and I'm really not that happy at the current moment, but it'll get better and = faster updates lol

you probably won't care about this but please just remember that whenever you're feeling down, just please remind yourself that it will get better, like what I'm doing right now, and I have faith that it will. With time and goals, everything will heal and mend, even broken hearts. I know they seem like forever and that you just want t disappear and combust into ashes, but no, it's not going to last and your sorrow depends on your decision on how long you're willing to think of it the negative way. But never EVER think of suicide because you are worth something <3

I love you so much, just please remember that,

Yours Truly,

SwiftandShums x :) ♡

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