Chapter Eight

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I look around in awe as we enter the restaurant. . There was a huge chandelier hanging above my head, all of the tables were covered by perfectly white table clothes, and the waiters were dressed in nicer clothes than I have seen in a long time. I look over at Holland, who is talking to the waitress at the front. She looks through her book and shook her head. He runs his hand through his hair and walks over to me. He grabs my hand with a sigh and pulls me out of the restaurant. Without saying a word he takes me to his car and opens my door. After he shuts my door he pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials a number. I watch as he angrily talks to someone. He puts his hand on his head before running his fingers through his hair once again. With a final sigh he hangs up on whoever he was talking to and walks to the drivers side.

"I'm sorry, Lees," he informs me as he buckles up his seatbelt and starts the car. 

"There's nothing to be sorry about, Holl," I tell him as he pulls out. He shakes his head, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Tonight was supposed to be perfect," he says quiet enough that I can barely hear him. I put my hand on his shoulder as he slows to a stop at the stoplight. He looks over at me.

"Holl, listen to me, I don't care that we aren't in that restaurant, I mean  come on," I reason with him, "everyone in there was dressed better than us, we would have been out of place." He chuckles and nods his head. Someone honks their horn behind us, snapping us into reality. Holland waves behind him before starting to drive.

"I guess you are right," Holland states, "we were a little under dressed." I laugh at him as he takes my hand from his shoulder and laces his fingers with mine before kissing the back of my hand. I smile at him before looking foreword, at the road ahead of us. When we finally pull over I look out of the window.

The house we park in front of is a small white one with a blue door. I smile and look at him. "Whose house is this?" I question.

"One sec," he replies before sliding out of the car door and jogging to my door. He opens it and helps me out before shutting my door and leading me up the front steps. He fumbles with his keys before finally deciding on a key and shoving it in the lock. When the door swings open I gasp. This house is completely furnished.

"It's pretty," I tell him. He shuts the door with a big grin on his face.

"Don't call me crazy," he begs me. I laugh and shake my head.

"I already think you're crazy," I inform him. He grabs my hand and runs his thumb along the back of my hand.

"So, I'm sure you're wondering why I've been gone so much as of recent. Well, it wasn't just for school or my job. I was looking for a house. I mean I know with this could be very forward, but I figured where you're already living with me maybe we could live together in this house. And it could be ours?" he asks. I look to him. No way, he's being serious. I turn to look around a the small house.

"Listen Holland, I love this. I really really love this. But, do you think we're ready for this?" I ask. As if in response I turn and he is on one knee.

"Listen, Aaliyah, I know this may seem fast to you. But believe me, I have thought and thought and thought about this decision. I've talk to my mom, my dad, your parents, and some of our friends. I really feel like We are ready for this. Aaliyah I love you, I find myself loving you more and more every day. When you were gone all I wanted to do was call you and talk to you, but it kind of would've been hard where you couldn't have heard me very well," I stifle a laugh. Even though I know he's being completely serious and realistic that joke is still kind of funny, "anyways, the point is I know that we're ready for this. I know that you are ready for this. And I want this to be official, or I guess more official than it already is, so, Aaliyah Waters will you marry me?" he asks as he pulls out the ring box that I found a couple of days ago and reveals the ring that I've been wearing ever time he's not around.

I look at him, than I look around the house. My heart pounds as I look at the ring and lock eyes with him. "Holland, I um... I don't know," I choke out.

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