Chapter Six

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I pace back and forth through the living room as I reflect on what Valentine just told me. This was a huge deal. Am I really willing to give up my relationship with Holland, though? No, of course, I'm not! I turned down the last opportunity to stay with Holland! I hold my hand up and look at the ring on my finger. This was in our future, he was planning on proposing to me, and I definitely wanted that more than anything. I take my phone out of my back pocket and click on the number that Valentine sent me.

"Hello, Keri Gray's office," a lady says on the other end of the line.

"Hi, my name is Aaliyah Waters," I inform her, "Valentine Butouski told me that Mr. Gray wanted to talk to me," I say as I look at the engagement ring once again, maybe I shouldn't be doing this. I had an overwhelming feeling that I should just hang up and delete the number from my phone. I had a pretty solid future, I felt, so maybe I shouldn't do this. 

"One second, let me transfer the calm over to him!" She says, taking me out of my train of thought.

"Hello?" A man's voice comes from the other end of the line.

"Hi, Mr. Gray, my name is Aaliyah Waters," I inform him.

"Ms. Waters! I am so pleasantly surprised to hear from you! I'm guessing Ms. Valentine talked to you?" he questions.

"Yes, sir."

"Well, I'm glad she listened to me for once! Ms. Waters, I would like to speak with you in person," he tells me, "when are you free next?"

"I'm free next Tuesday," I tell him.

"Hmmm, no good, how about Wednesday at 5:00?" he questions me.

"Yes, that's perfect!" I say excitedly.

"Well, thank you for your time, Ms. Waters!"

"Thank you for your time, sir!" I say before he bids me goodbye and hangs up. I smile excitedly as I fall onto the couch. I haven't been this excited since The Voice's producer called me and told me that I could come and audition.

"Weah!! Landon spilled my milk!" I hear from the kitchen. I jump up and run into the kitchen and see that Landon and Natalie both had milk all over them. I walk to get a towel, so I can wipe the milk off of both of them and the floor.

"I'm sorry, Weah," Landon says sadly. I smile at him.

"You didn't spill it on me," I say before ruffling his hair. After cleaning the spilled milk I pick Landon and Natalie up and take them to the bathroom. I turn the water on. "Come 'ere guys," I tell them. Landon walks over to me first so I take his pajamas off and put him in the bath before doing the same with Natalie. I grab the baby soap and wash their hair before letting them play with their toys. After a while, I pull both of them out of the bath and dry them off before taking them into their room and getting them dressed. 

After getting them dressed I decide to go to the kitchen and read the note that Holland's mom left on the counter. It listed the times that everyone would be home and what time and it said that I was to lay the kids down for their nap at 12:15, and was to wake them up at 1:30. I look at the clock, and realize I still have an hour, or so until I could put them down for a nap. "Weah! Weah! Weah!" Landon yells from their room. I run back to their room.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I ask as I enter into their room.

"Look at the train Howand got me," he says holding up a train with a proud look on his face.  I smile at him, deciding not to scold him for scaring me half to death. He walked over to his closet and opened it. I caught a glimpse of a train set. 

"He likes trains," Maddie informs me as she walks up behind me and starts to play with my hair. Surprisingly she wasn't pulling on my hair, she was being relatively soft, considering the fact that I hadn't brushed my hair at all today. We sat in their room for a long time, Maddie played with my hair, Landon and I played with trains, and Natalie just sat in the corner and looked around. The alarm on my phone goes off, so I put all of them to sleep, then go to Holland's room. I slowly slide the ring off of my finger and place it carefully in the box. I sigh. What am I going to do? I slide the box into his coat pocket and walked back to the living room to lay on the couch. Soon my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep. 

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