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Hoseok awoke the next morning to the unfamiliar feeling of something wet and cold being sprayed in his face. When he finally managed to peel his eyes open, Hoseok wasn't the least bit surprised to see Minhyuk standing above him on his bed, pointing a water gun down at his face.

When Minhyuk saw his best friend's eyes open, he lowered the water gun from his aim and smiled down at him with an open-mouthed smile.

"Hey, you're awake!" He exclaimed, and Hoseok slapped his leg.

"Get down, you're gonna hurt yourself," Hoseok replied monotonously, rubbing the sleep and crust from under his eyes as Minhyuk hopped off of the bed. "Where did you get that anyway?"

Minhyuk looked down at the water gun in his arms. "This? Your mum gave it to me. She's awesome by the way."

Hoseok grumbled in response and turned so his back was facing Minhyuk.

"Hey, no you don't!" Minhyuk yelled, readying his water gun to shoot Hoseok again. "You need to get up and shower! We're meeting the others at ten."

Hoseok let out what had to be the most over-exaggerated groan of all time as he shifted again in his bed, this time throwing his legs over the side and standing up.

"When did you become so bossy?" He asked Minhyuk, making a point of glaring at him as he walked past him to the bathroom.

"You love me really!" Minhyuk called out to him as Hoseok hummed and let the bathroom door slip closed behind him.


"Shit, I forgot you were on crutches," Changkyun filled the awkward silence as all six boys looked down at the crutches Hoseok had still yet to get used to.

"Don't mind that, he can chase us around on them and whack us with them!" Jooheon suggested, and Hyunwoo smacked his upside the head.

"Don't be stupid, Stupid," the eldest of the group scolded and Jooheon pouted while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's alright, I'll just sit down somewhere and take loads of blackmail worthy footage," Hoseok grinned with a renowned look of malice and Minhyuk shuddered dramatically.

"Whatever. Go and sit down, Grandpa," the latter shooed Hoseok off to the nearest bench, playfully kicking his butt as he hobbled off.

"Hey, you did this to me, traitor!" Hoseok called back over his shoulder but he was already too far ahead for anyone to hear him.

It did kind of suck - not being able to actually have fun when he needed it the most out of them - but Hoseok was just as content with watching than he was for actually playing. Besides, he didn't particularly fancy getting all hot and sweaty today.

He watched as the others started up a game of tag, Jooheon being voted to be the tagger for his stupid remark earlier. Not to say that the redhead didn't try and put up an argument; the others just ran away from him when he tried to.

After a while of recording and capturing and laughing so hard his chest hurt, Hoseok began to get bored. He'd already seen Minhyuk try to jump over a child on his escape from Jooheon and nearly kick the poor girl in the head, and Hoseok really didn't fancy witnessing anybody getting killed today.

(Although after the incident, the little girl did join in with the game of tag, often running to hide behind Minhyuk or getting him to pick her up so he could run for the both of them).

His mind slipping elsewhere, Hoseok's eyes also began to waver from the designated tag spot and to the familiar scenery around him. Hoseok couldn't remember the last time he'd been to the park, let alone with his friends.

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