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When Hyungwon awoke the following morning, he was surprised by two things. The unfamiliar surroundings he found himself in, and the warm body clinging to him like a koala.

Of course, he soon remembered the events of the night before, and how Hoseok had cleaned him up after being seriously injured. he recalled offering to sleep on the floor when Hoseok had jumped on his bed, and Hoseok had rolled his eyes before he pulled Hyungwon onto the bed with him and cuddled up close to him.

The way Hoseok's legs tangled with Hyungwon's and the way his head lay comfortably on the younger man's chest made something in Hyungwon's heart feel warm.

They weren't even official yet, yet Hoseok was hugging him like they were. And the way he kissed him...anyone could mistake Hoseok for a starved man with the way he was constantly searching for Hyungwon's lips like they were a life machine.

Smiling down at the man almost laying on top of him, Hyungwon reached down and began to stroke Hoseok's locks, admiring how thin and soft the strands were.

This caused Hoseok to stir and soon he woke up, looking up at Hyungwon groggily as if he was trying to familiarise himself with the man sleeping in his bed. Hyungwon laughed aloud at the confused expression on Hoseok's face and let the boy cuddle back up to him.

"Good morning," Hoseok grumbled and Hyungwon smiled.

"Morning," he replied. "You look cute when you sleep. Can't say the same when you wake up, though."

"Shut up," Hoseok muttered into Hyungwon's chest. "How are your injuries doing?"

"Better," Hyungwon answered simply, lost deep in thought to come up with a better answer. "Hey, I've been thinking."

"Uh-oh," Hoseok teased and Hyungwon flicked the back of Hoseok's neck.

"Shush. Let me finish," Hyungwon said, not meaning to sound as firm as he did. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Hoseok's head whipped up to look at Hyungwon in shock, searching the younger's features for any signs of doubt. He found none.

"Wha- are you being serious?" He asked precariously, and Hyungwon smiled again.

"As serious as a heart attack," Hyungwon nodded. "I mean, look at us. We're literally cuddling like we'll die if we don't, and we've already kissed on multiple occasions. I don't know why this question is so much of a surprise to you."

Hoseok was speechless. He wanted to come up with a reason for his surprise, but he couldn't find any that Hyungwon wouldn't laugh at.

"Sure, I'll be your boyfriend," he answered just as simply as Hyungwon had asked, and Hyungwon leaned down to peck his lips softly,


"I should probably tell Minhyuk about this. He's going to flip his shit," Hoseok mused, leaning over Hyungwon to unplug his phone on his desk.

"You two made up?" Hyungwon asked, hand still on Hoseok's waist as the older boy sat up in his bed.

"Yeah. I didn't tell you?" Hoseok asked in confusion, looking up at Hyungwon for a split second before his attention was back to his phone.

"Nope," Hyungwon replied, popping the 'p' and Hoseok grunted in reply.

"He wants to meet you again, you know?" He began. "I suggested bringing him to the nursery but you don't look like you're in any condition to work right now."

Hyungwon scoffed dramatically. "I'll be fine. Besides, why does he want to meet me again?"

"Probably to put things right between you," Hoseok answered from behind his phone screen. "Minhyuk's never been the type of person to actively hold a grudge against someone else. He wants to be friends with everyone."

Hyungwon nodded, letting his gaze fall back to Hoseok's bland ceiling.

"You think he'll forgive me?" He asked, and Hoseok scoffed.

"Obviously," he replied. "He's the one who wants to meet you so of course he'll forgive you."

Hyungwon smiled at that realisation. He knew he was just being stupid and paranoid, which was something he needed to work on.



more hyungwonho fluff bc they are such soft boyfriends

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