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"Well, it looks like they've made up now," Hyunwoo smiled at the sight of Hoseok and Minhyuk play fighting on the grass.

It began when Hoseok reached over to take a slice of Minhyuk's orange and Minhyuk - being Minhyuk - wasn't having any of that. Of course, he wasn't really angry, but it did feel good for things to go back to normal after that outburst that occurred a few days ago.

Minhyuk's feelings for Hoseok still stood, and Hoseok promised he would respect those feelings and try to keep PDA to a minimum when Minhyuk was around. But Minhyuk declined his offer, and told Hoseok he should do whatever he wants. Minhyuk didn't want to feel like he was half controlling everything Hoseok did just by being there.

He said he would learn to get over it and although Hoseok was hesitant to agree, he did in the end. But in his head, he'd still already decided to be thoughtful towards Minhyuk because he was his best friend after all, and Hoseok would hate to make him upset again.

"Guys, stop before you get hurt!" Kihyun called out to them like the mother he was and, slowly but surely, Hoseok and Minhyuk pulled away from each other and sat up next to each other.

"It's not fair that you get to use those things on me," Minhyuk pouted playfully as he reached up to slap Hoseok's firm bicep.

"Then don't instigate fights, dumbass," Hoseok teased and Minhyuk slapped Hoseok's arm, harder this time.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, both resting their weight on their hands - arms outstretched behind them - as they basked in the sunshine beaming down on them.

Nothing was awkward between them now - not that they were awkward before - but now, Hoseok felt more free to tell Minhyuk whatever, and vice versa. Minhyuk was surprised with how well Hoseok responded to his feelings for him, even though Kihyun told him it would be fine.

Minhyuk always doubted others until he heard or saw it for himself, and that was exactly what happened here. Hoseok, on the other hand, couldn't even fathom why Minhyuk had feelings for him, which led the younger male to go off on a tangent about everything about Hoseok that appealed to him.

("You sleep with socks on, dude, no one does that."

"Yes they do! I bet Hyunwoo sleeps with nothing but socks on!"

"Whatever. Your weird thing for sleeping with socks on is another reason why I love you."


Hoseok smiled at the memory of Minhyuk explaining why he loved him, and reminisced on the tiny things that he didn't even notice about himself. Like how the veins in his hands always stick out prominently, and Minhyuk confessed to wanting to touch them multiple times.

"Hey, when you do think I can see Hyungwon again?" Minhyuk asked all of a sudden, turning his head to look at Hoseok's face. "I really want to apologise to him. No, scratch that, I need to apologise to him. Poor guy is probably beating himself up because of me."

"Calm down," Hoseok rolled his eyes playfully. "He's fine. And you can come to the nursery one day. My mum will probably scold me for bringing more people in but she probably likes you more than she likes me so I'm sure she'll be ok with a one day visit."

Minhyuk laughed at that, slapping Hoseok's back as he toppled over in fits of laughter.

"Everyone likes me more than they like you," Minhyuk teased and Hoseok shoved him playfully.

"Guys, food's ready!" Changkyun called over to the two boys who immediately jumped up at the mention of food.

Kihyun and Hyunwoo had been nice enough to prepare a little picnic for their outing today, since the weather was nice and they hadn't eaten together for a while.

"You know what," Jooheon started, mouth full of rice. "I actually miss Hyungwon a lot. He never really spoke much but he was always really nice to everyone and super smart."

"I agree," Changkyun nodded. "I think a reunion is overdue."

"Are you guys being serious?" Hoseok scoffed, thinking they were just joking but when he looked round the circle at everyone's faces, he saw no signs of a joke in their expressions. "Wow, ok then. I'll ask him."

"So what's the deal with you two? Are you, like, back together or something?" Hyunwoo asked and Hoseok blushed.

"Not quite," he answered nervously. "I mean, we flirt and everything and we...kissed a few days ago but nothing's official yet."

A chorus of wolf-whistles sounded throughout the circle, followed by Minhyuk nudging him suggestively and Hoseok blushed even harder.

"I would say you should hurry and make it official, but I don't think either of you are going anywhere any time soon so," Kihyun teased, digging into his meal.

Hoseok was about to respond to that when he phone chimed from in his pocket. He decided to let Kihyun's case rest as he dug for his phone in his pocket and unlocked it, seeing the new message notification at the top of his screen.

Clicking on it, he read the message that followed.

From: meme chae 
i need help 

From: meme chae

"Guys, I have to run," Hoseok suddenly announced, standing up and feeling all the eyes following him as he did so.

"Why? Is everything ok?" Minhyuk asked, about to follow Hoseok and stand up too but Hoseok told him not to.

"Something just came up that I need to take care of," Hoseok explained very vaguely. "I promise everything's ok."

Hoseok ran off before anyone could ask him anymore questions, unlocking his phone again to text Hyungwon back.

To: meme chae
where are you?

From: meme chae
i'm sitting outside your house

Hoseok wanted to wonder why Hyungwon was outside his house, but he didn't, and instead opted for taking the short cut that would take him right to his street.

When he neared his house, he saw Hyungwon sitting on the front step, hunched over, and Hoseok ran towards him.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked, and Hyungwon looked up at him.

When Hoseok saw Hyungwon's face covered in cuts and bruises, he felt his blood boil, but also felt an urge to protect the younger boy.

Not only was his pretty face tarnished, but Hyungwon's eyes looked tired and he himself looked utterly defeated.

Hoseok was going to kill the person who did this.


i want to do one of those 'ask the characters' things because they seem fun lmao.








hoseok's mother (lol why not)


i'll post the answers at the very end of the book so i actually get some questions lmao

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