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Minhyuk loved him.

Hoseok sat there, shocked out of his mind as he tried to comprehend everything that had just happened.

He was slowly beginning to put the pieces together.

The mood changes were probably the easiest thing for Hoseok to pin down. The reason why he had been ignoring Hoseok was because he felt betrayed. Betrayed and replaced. Hoseok felt like shit for not noticing any of this before.

Minhyuk's clingy nature was nothing new but why was Hoseok just now noticing how much more clingy Minhyuk was with him than with everyone else?

He recalled all the times Minhyuk had slapped him on the arm or on the back playfully and the times where he'd slung an arm around Hoseok's shoulder or ruffled his hair. Hoseok cringed at the memory of when Minhyuk began feeling up his biceps and Hoseok - jokingly - called him gay for it.

God, he was such a terrible friend.

Minhyuk had always been so devoted to Hoseok. He followed him around like a lost puppy and Hoseok was the ignorant person who never realised the puppy right behind him.

When Hoseok had nearly gotten knocked over by Hyungwon's mum in that car, Minhyuk started crying. That's how worried he was about Hoseok that he started crying.

Hoseok wanted to scream and pull out his own hair for being such an idiot, but right now he had to find Minhyuk before he did something stupid.

Grabbing his phone from his desk, Hoseok unplugged his earphones before he dialed Minhyuk's number. He didn't answer and Hoseok cursed. He tried a few more times but all that greeted Hoseok was the predictable voicemail message.

Hoseok threw the device on his bed and decided to go out himself to find Minhyuk. He ran down the stairs so fast he nearly tripped over his own feet multiple times.

"Hold it, mister!" His mother stopped Hoseok before he could leave. She looked extremely pissed which was a first for Hoseok. "Minhyuk just came down here crying his eyes out and I hope you're going to find him to fix whatever you did."

"Mum, what else would I be doing?" Hoseok asked, slipping on his Vans.

His mother smiled and shook her head.

"You better fix this otherwise this month's paycheck goes to Hyungwon," she warned and Hoseok groaned. "Go!"

Hoseok immediately did as he was told, letting the door close on its own before he took off in a mad sprint down the street to Kihyun's house.

Minhyuk told him that Kihyun was the only one he had told about his feelings so maybe he had taken refuge there for the time being. But was Hoseok really in the mood for dealing for an angry Kihyun? That thought left his head as soon it entered. Hoseok did this, so he would have to face the consequences.

Knocking on the door rapidly, Hoseok could barely stay still as Kihyun answered, raising an eyebrow at Hoseok

"Can I help you?" He asked expectantly ans Hoseok nodded urgently.

"Is Minhyuk here?" Hoseok near enough pleaded, still hopping from foot to foot.

"No, he isn't," Kihyun answered and Hoseok groaned, about to turn to leave but Kihyun grabbed his arm, causing the older boy to look back at him. "Did he tell you?"

Hoseok nodded, fear covering his face as he began to dream up the worst kinds of situations that could happen to Minhyuk while he was in this state.

"Then you better go find him," Kihyun suggested before letting go of Hoseok's arm and watching the boy run off like his life depended on it.

Minhyuk's house was Hoseok's next best bet and, in all honestly, Hoseok didn't know why he didn't go there first. Maybe because Kihyun's house was closer.

But when Minhyuk's mother confirmed his suspicions of Minhyuk not being there either, Hoseok really did begin to panic. Standing outside Minhyuk's house, Hoseok's eyes scanned the area in hopes of finding Minhyuk simply wandering the streets.

Hoseok was about to give up when he saw a familiar mop of blonde hair on the other side of the street, where the park was. Quickly crossing the road, Hoseok jogged closer towards the figure who he had now identified as sitting alone of the see-saw.

When he was standing on the other side of the fence leading to the park, only then did Hoseok recognise the figure as Minhyuk.


shorter chapter because idk

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