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"What the Hell happened to you?" Hoseok asked in shock, his eyes widening in horror as he knelt down in front of Hyungwon and lightly gripped his chin, getting a good look at his face.

"I was mugged," Hyungwon answered blankly, and Hoseok bit his lip to refrain himself from yelling and causing a scene.

"What did they take?" Hoseok tried to soften his voice as he ducked down to look at Hyungwon's face.

"Just my wallet - they couldn't find my phone," Hyungwon replied, and Hoseok noticed the cuts on Hyungwon's hands as he took them in his gently.

"Some muggers they are," he joked in an attempt to lighten the mood, but the look Hyungwon gave him told Hoseok he had done just the opposite. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Hyungwon muttered, looking back down at where Hoseok was holding his hands.

"Come on, let's get you inside. My mum keeps a first aid kit in the bathroom so I'll be able to clean you up," Hoseok stood up, leaning down to wrap an arm around Hyungwon's slim waist to help him up. He grabbed Hyungwon's arm and gently dangled it around his own shoulder so he could help support Hyungwon's weight. "That's it. Easy."

Hoseok fished in his back pocket for his front door key and one he found it, he made no hesitation in unlocking the door swiftly before tossing the key on the dining room table.

Getting upstairs was a mission, but Hoseok knew it was worth it when he sat Hyungwon down on his bed and all pain and tension seemed to disperse from his face.

"I'll be right back, ok?" Hoseok reassured before he left for the bathroom, standing on his tip-toes to retrieve the first aid kit on top of the cabinet.

If Hoseok had to stand on his tip-toes to get it then he wondered how his mother managed to reach it. But that was a mystery for another day.

When Hoseok returned, he knelt down in front of Hyungwon, standing up on his knees so his face was level with Hyungwon's.

Opening the first aid kit, Hoseok pulled out a few antiseptic wipes and dropped them on the bed next to Hyungwon's hand.

"This may sting a little," he warned softly as he tore open the first wipe and Hyungwon nodded.

He got to work on the cut on Hyungwon's left temple, shushing the boy when he hissed as the cold wipe touched his skin. Peeling open a plaster, Hoseok carefully placed it over the clean wound and gently ran his thumb over the plastic before smiling at Hyungwon sweetly.

Next was the gash alone Hyungwon's left cheek, and Hoseok felt his anger boil once again when he'd cleaned the wound and saw just how much blood there was on the wipe. This time fetching a larger plaster, Hoseok did the same as before, this time leaning forward to kiss over the plaster softly.

As his eyes set on the cut going up Hyungwon's bottom lip, Hoseok almost growled.

"I'm going to kill whoever did this to your beautiful face," he muttered, and Hyungwon chuckled dryly.

"That's reassuring," Hyungwon replied and Hoseok smiled to himself as he dabbed at the cut with a tissue.

"Well, since I can't put a plaster on your lip, I think I have something else that would work just fine," Hoseok smirked, and Hyungwon raised an eyebrow, catching onto Hoseok's game.

"Oh yeah? I wonder what that could be," Hyungwon mused out loud, and Hoseok's smirk grew into a grin.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He continued to tease as Hyungwon leaned forward ever so slightly.

"Yes, I would," he replied lowly, his deep voice sending chills down Hoseok's spine. "Enlighten me, why don't you?"

Hoseok cocked an eyebrow in return before closing the gap between him and Hyungwon, kissing him softly. He wanted to kiss him harder - a lot harder - but he was still injured and Hoseok didn't want to take things too far.

"Better?" He asked as he pulled away, smiling up at Hyungwon.

Hyungwon nodded. "A lot better."

Hoseok smiled even wider if that was even possible before turning Hyungwon's face to the side and gasping at the nasty bruise on the other side of his face.

"This needs ice on it right now," he stood to get some from the kitchen but Hyungwon groaned and grabbed his arm lightly.

"Can't you just kiss it better?" He asked, and Hoseok smiled with a shake of his head.

"I'll be right back," he announced for the second time that night before he was gone.

He didn't take too long to return but for Hyungwon, it felt like ages.

"Here, put this on your face," Hoseok handed the ice pack to Hyungwon who did as he was told. "Did they get you anywhere else?"

Hyungwon pointed to his stomach. "They kicked me here a few times."

Hoseok looked down at where Hyungwon was pointing and stood up, signalling for Hyungwon to take his top off. Although the black and white striped long-sleeved top did look really good on Hyungwon, he would need to take it off for Hoseok to treat any injuries he may have sustained on his chest and stomach.

Placing the ice pack on the bed next to him, Hyungwon hesitantly removed his top and Hoseok tried his God damned hardest not to stare at the perfection that was Hyungwon - topless.

Sure, Hyungwon's abs weren't as defined as Hoseok's but they were still there, and if this had been happening under different circumstances, Hoseok would certainly be salivating by now.

"Looks like you'll just have a few bruises there for a while," Hoseok inspected, and Hyungwon smirked at him.

"Are you going to kiss them better?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Shut up," he teased, silently telling Hyungwon to put his top back on. "You're staying here tonight, by the way. It's not safe for you to walk home in your condition. I would offer to walk you home but I actually value my life more now that you're back in it, so I don't wanna get mugged and beat up thank you very much."

Hyungwon laughed at that, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're so cheesy it's beginning to smell," he joked, and Hoseok grinned.

"You love it."


bc we need some fluffy hyungwonho at last

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