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Minhyuk couldn't take it anymore.

Now he knew how Hoseok must have felt waiting for a reply. But, with Hoseok, he had to wait seven days. Minhyuk only texted him yesterday and he was already going crazy.

It was about time he took matters into his own hands, whether it be for better or worse.

Not only did he want to apologise to Hoseok, but he also desperately needed to tell him. This secret was eating him alive, and - like Kihyun said - it would get better if he was just honest with Hoseok.

But the thing was, would Hoseok even be interested in hearing him out? Minhyuk had treated him so badly this past week and he doubted he even deserved to spend time with Hoseok. But he had to try.

Minhyuk bounced from the tips of his toes to the balls of his feet as he knocked on the front door, hoping for the love of God that Hoseok didn't answer. He would've at least liked to get into Hoseok's house as opposed to having the door slammed in his face.

Lucky for him, Hoseok's mother answered, and her face lit up when she saw Minhyuk standing on her porch.

"Minhyuk, dear!" She gasped, immediately welcoming him into the house and hugging him. "I haven't seen you in ages, it feels like!"

"Ah, yeah. Sorry, I've been busy," Minhyuk chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nonsense, no need to apologise!" Hoseok's mother waved a hand at him in dismissal before pointing upstairs. "Hoseok's upstairs, per usual. Feel free to go and knock for him."

Minhyuk bowed ninety degrees as a sign for his gratitude. "Thank you, Mrs. Shin."

Minhyuk had never ran up any flight of stairs as fast as he just did then, and he wished he'd gone slower, as the closer he got to Hoseok's bedroom door, the more his heart rapped against his ribcage.

Hesitantly, Minhyuk knocked on the door before opening it slowly. Of course, he'd expected to see Hoseok on his bed, but Hoseok sure as Hell wasn't expecting to see Minhyuk at his door.

He pulled his earphones out from his ears and immediately sat up, discarding his phone onto his desk as he stood up, still staring at Minhyuk in shock.

"Um...hi?" Minhyuk said, his heart still pounding, threatening to break through his chest.

Why was he so nervous? This was Hoseok, his best friend.

"What the Hell?" Hoseok shrieked as Minhyuk shut the door behind him. "Dude, do you know how fucking worried I've been?"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry-" Minhyuk began softly but Hoseok cut him off.

"No, you obviously don't know, Minhyuk!" Hoseok exclaimed, and Minhyuk flinched at the tone of voice Hoseok was taking on. "Why haven't you been answering my texts?"

"I've been busy," he answered quietly, not even able to meet Hoseok's eyes.

"Yeah, busy ignoring me," Hoseok nodded and Minhyuk whipped his head upwards to glare at Hoseok, the anger in his chest beginning to boil.

"Well, what else do you expect me to do? Since you obviously prioritise Hyungwon over me!" Minhyuk exclaimed, frowning at Hoseok.

Hoseok mirrored Minhyuk's fuming gaze, this time walking over to stand a considerable distance from Minhyuk.

"What's your problem with him?" Hoseok began to yell, becoming angry that Minhyuk had suddenly brought the negative attention to Hyungwon. Thank God Hyungwon wasn't here with them. "What has he ever done to you?"

"He broke you, Hoseok!" Minhyuk near enough screamed, unable to control his emotions anymore. Tears filled his eyes rapidly and were streaming down his face ever faster. "He hurt you so bad and you have no idea how much that hurt me!"

The room fell silent, save for Minhyuk's sniffles, and Hoseok didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean?" He asked, quieter this time as his anger fizzled away into confusion.

Minhyuk scoffed, eyes glassy and red from the tears filling them. "You really are oblivious, aren't you?"

Hoseok didn't answer and Minhyuk wanted to scream.

"Do you need me to spell it out for you?" Minhyuk raised his voice, raking his hands through his hair to relieve some of the stress he felt. "I fucking love you, you idiot!"

Silence filled the room again and Minhyuk laughed to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I've loved you since I first met you," he confessed quietly, gaze falling from Hoseok's to look down at the ground. "The boy with the black hair that covered half of his face. I loved you, Hoseok, and I honestly thought we could have something together.

"But then you introduced Hyungwon to the group and I knew you had the hots for him or something. I stopped trying but I never stopped loving you. In fact, I fell in love with you even more as the days went by, and I tried my hardest to ignore how much pain I was in when I saw you and Hyungwon together in high school.

"Kihyun was the only one I ever told about my feelings because I felt like if I didn't tell someone, they would suffocate me. Then he left and I honestly felt happy that he was gone for a while because I thought that maybe I could have a chance with you. Every time you cried to me or I hugged you because you were sad, I felt something light inside of me, and I was so grateful to have you then.

"But I could never get a word in about how I felt because it was always about Hyungwon, even when he wasn't there. I realised that I would never stand a chance with you because he was the only one in your heart.

"I was talking to Kihyun a few days ago and I realised how much of a side character I am in your life. I'm just that one friend whereas, in my story, you're the main lead. My life revolves around you, don't you see?"

Hoseok couldn't answer. He did't know how to.

Minhyuk...loved him? And he'd never noticed before? How obvious was it?

Minhyuk scoffed again. "Of course you don't see. You never see anything apart from him."

And with that, Minhyuk left, making sure he slammed Hoseok's bedroom door behind him. Hoseok could hear his mother's voice downstairs before the front door closed as well, and Hoseok all about collapsed onto his bedroom floor, sitting there on his knees with his mouth wide open.

Minhyuk loved him.


  dramama ramama ramama hey  

i keep forgetting to update rip

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