answers !

421 22 9

i'm so excited to do this let's get stuck in peeps


LiteralKpop, straybiz, sleepy-min asked:
'Who tops? I'm curious'

wh: definitely me
hw: stop lying to them, lying isn't good
wh: i'm not lying!
hw: *scoffs* says the guy who was screaming my name last night
wh: i hate you


LiteralKpop asked:

'Tech me your living meme ways'
well, i just take each day as it comes, you know? i don't actually know why people find my face so funny - i could yawn and hoseok will fucking break his neck laughing.

straybiz asked:
'who do i have to fight?'
wh: don't worry honey i already sorted it *winks*

sleepy-min asked:

'Ha meme ily and how are you such a meme'
babe ask the internet they love my face


red_love_river asked:
'sooooooooo, do we get a new ship some time in the future?'
i don't know... i'll always love hoseok with all my heart regardless of whether he feels the same. i have a feeling it will take me a while to get over my feelings, but as long as hoseok's happy, i'm happy! but now that you mention it, hyunwoo is pretty good looking...

straybiz asked:
'do you think you'd ever be close enough with hyungwon to gossip about hoseok together?'
i will gossip about hoseok to anybody that will stand to listen! it may take some time but hyungwon isn't the kind of guy to rub a relationship in someone else's face, especially if he knows the other person likes his partner... but he's a pretty chill guy and i'd love to gossip with him.

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