I ran. I ran like there was no tomorrow. I ran through the whole city. I ran to find anything, hope? Hope wasn't really my greatest side. I've never had enough hope to try and escape again. But today was different. It was like my brain were deciding today was a good day to escape. I ran until I came to a Forrest. I sighed looking at the trees. I guess I'll run into this bunt of trees...
I ran into the forrest and continued to run until I fell. I stumbled on something. I'm not sure what it was but my foot was definitely hurt. I let out a fiew sobs. I stood up on one leg and found a stick. This will do as a walking stick. I started to limp further into the Forrest with help of my stick.
*2 hours later*
I has been limping a long time now. My right foot was hurt from the pressure I had put on it and my left foot was well hurt. I say down on the ground, shaking from the cold, so I decided it would be a good time to sleep. I went under a tree and curled into a ball.
How am I going to do this?, was the last thing I thought before I fell asleep in the cold and very dark night.
A/N: Enjoy this chapter! :)

FanfictionMacy Messi also known as the well known Footballer Lionel Messi's sister who got kidnaped is now 18 years old and decides to try to escape one last time. Her wrists are filled with cuts, and she Dosen't want to live this life anymore. The only thing...