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As me and Neymar walked home I was tired. We both were, we had practiced many ours, perfecting skills.

We walked into a small little shop to buy some water when a little girl came up running to me. She looked like she was about ten. She stopped in front of me and just stared, her eyes wide open.

"Hello there", I said bending down to her level. It took the girl a bit before she finally spoke up.

"Y-you're Macy Messi!", she said smiling.

"Well, yes I am, who are you?", I smiled back. I couldn't believe someone this small would recognize me.

"I-i'm N-Natalie. C-could I p-please have a p-photo", she stuttered.

"Nice to meet you Natalie, do you have a camera?", I asked her sweetly.

"N-no, mum does I can get her!", she said the smile never leaving her face.

"Alright, let's go find her then", I smiled taking the little girl's hand in mine, Neymar taking a hold of my other hand in the progress.

Neymar was holding onto my right hand and the little girl I had learned went by the name Natalie held onto my left hand.

We started walking in the direction were Natalie's mom aparently where located.


A/N: idk, this chapter is really bad -.- but athleast it's an update for you Muffins xD

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