I woke up to the sound of people shouting. People shouting? Oh no I didn't make it. I sighed rubbing my eyes.
"She's awake!", someone said loudly and that's when I opens my eyes. At first I only saw white. But as my vision became clearer I could clearly see that I was in the hospital. I decided to try and sit up, but I groaned in pain as I did. What happend? A nurse entered the room. She told me about my injuries and that a police helicopter found me after someone had seen me running into the Forrest. I nodded sighing.
"Oh and we did some tests on you", the nurse said nervously.
"Alright..", I said looking at her confused. Why would she be nervous?
"Well we did a DNA test since you didn't have an identity on you.", she started and I nodded for her to continue.
"You are Lionel Messi's long lost sister!", she said and I smiled. I made it.
"He has been contacted and is on his way.", I nodded as I thanked her. I was finally seeing Leo again. My Leo.
*1 hour later*
I sighed bored. What do you do when you're bored? I put on the tv with the remote to see if anything fun was on. There wasn't, I ended up watching a program about ants. Yup, ants... After i watched the tv for a while someone burst into the hospital room. I quickly put the bed cover over my head scared of who ever it might be.
Then I felt someone stroke my head.
The person was crying and sniffling.
"Hey it's just me sis", a manly voice said, it sounded like Leo, but older. I carefully looked up from the blanket. I smiled when I saw who it was.
"L-Leo", I stuttered and Leo Nodded. He was crying and smiling. Wow he's emotional I guess he didn't forgett me. I looked around the room but to my surprise I didn't see mum or dad.
"L-Leo where is Mama and Papa?", I asked him. He looked down closing his eyes.
"They... Passed...", he said and my eyes widened in schock. Mum, Dad, dead? No... I felt the tears in my eyes.
"D-dead?", I sniffled.
"Yeah...", Leo nodded sadly. I sighed.
"I'm happy you found me.", I smiled weakly.
"I'm happy you succeed to escape wherever you where.", he smiled and hugged me. I hestitated to hug back since I wasn't used to anything like a cind touch. But i finally hugged Leo back. We hugged for a good 10 minutes before we let go. We were both in tears, but not because we were sad, because we finally met eachother again...
The tears were happy tears.
A/N: So She met Lionel again! :) What do you think will happen in next chapter? ;)

FanfictionMacy Messi also known as the well known Footballer Lionel Messi's sister who got kidnaped is now 18 years old and decides to try to escape one last time. Her wrists are filled with cuts, and she Dosen't want to live this life anymore. The only thing...