I'm not safe anymore

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The rest of the ride home was silent, not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence.

We didn't say much after that. I thanked Neymar for the ride, We Said our goobyes and that was it..

I walked inside Leo's house and let out a shakily breath. I still hadn't really gotten those to things into my brain, Miranda was there. She saw me. The second thing, the kiss, Neymar kissed me, just like that and told me he loved me. He loved me. A smile was on it's way to my lips but then I once again realised that Miranda saw me. She saw me. I could still feel her hand on my wrist...

I sat down on the floor crying...

Why me?

I was still sat in the same possition crying when Leo got home. He ran to me,

"Macy What happend?", he asked hugging me, I didn't realise it but I was shaking...

"M-M-Mirrrrrrra-a-and-d-a", My Whole body tensed when I mentioned her name.

"Who's that?", Leo asked me gently. I took a deep breath before I spoke up.

"One of m-my kidn-app-pers", I stuttered crying. Leo kissed the top of my head and told me everything was going to be alright. It wasn't going to be alright, she was there.

I wasn't safe anymore...


A/N: new short chapter ;) Enjoy Muffins! :)

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