Yup another boring a/n but on serious notes this is actually kind of important I think.
*takes deep breath*
IjustrealisedthisfanfictionisshitandidkifishouldcontinueornotIdk if you could read that ^^
But yeah I just realized this fanfiction is really bad aka shit so should I continue or not? Idk, it's your choice.
Gosh I feel like I'm in some dramatic movie or something or Saw. Idk how this went from dramatic movie to saw but meh. Oh now I know, live or die, make your choice, wtf.
Okokok but let me know If I shall continue or not with this story/ff/thingy.

FanfictionMacy Messi also known as the well known Footballer Lionel Messi's sister who got kidnaped is now 18 years old and decides to try to escape one last time. Her wrists are filled with cuts, and she Dosen't want to live this life anymore. The only thing...