Chapter 3:

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~Episode 3: Reuniting with a Old Friend!~

I can't believe I'm lost!

It's been two hours and I've been going around in circles...I knew I should've got a map!

It was getting dark...I think I need to set up camp and rest for the night till morning.

So I found a good place that is near water...which took about 30 minutes to find. "Come on out guys!" I yelled as I threw my two pokeballs in the air.

After they came out, I made a fire then looked through my backpack and found pokefood and a couple of macarons! I give the pokefood to my pokemon while I ate some of the macarons.

I smiled at ChuChu and Aquamarino who were happily eating their pokefood...but one wasn't. "Nya!" we heard a was Nyanmi!

"Come on!" I tell my two pokemon. They nodded and followed as I ran through the forest listening to Nyanmi's cries. I know I left all of my stuff but my pokemon's safety comes first!

My eyes widened...when we finally found Nyanmi...she was not alone. There were huge spider-like pokemon. I reach for my pocket where my pokedex was.

I point at it and my pokedex said:

"Ariados, the Long Leg Pokemon. The evolved form of Spinarak. Ariados is able to spin extremely strong and sticky webs to trap its adversaries."

So this is the pokemon that my dad's friend Dawn told me about that attacked her and Piplup. And they were pretty big...but I got to be brave!

 Then I saw Nyanmi...was scared and didn't know what to do. Then Ariados shoots out multiple purple needles from it's mouth and it was coming towards Nyanmi! 

I ran towards my pokemon and got in the way of the poison sting..."Nya?!" Nyanmi said in suprise. I grinned a little and said "I'll protect you! That's what a trainer does!".

Then I felt my body getting weak and started feeling numb. The next thing I know as I'm on my knees, I felt something tight and sticky around must have been the Ariados string shot and then I was pulled towards it web.

I tried to fight it but with poison inside made weak and soon my pokemon were caught in the web. As the Ariados was wrapping it's sticky white strings around me, I heard someone yell "Charmander! Use Flamethrower!". 

Then red-orange stream of fire came at the Ariados and a lot of them dodged or started to run. Then the person yelled "Alright my two Ralts! Use Psychic!". I saw my pokemon glow a light blue and being carried out of the web.

Before I closed my eyes...I saw the person's face and it looked so familiar...

Then everything went black...

~4 Hours Later~

I slowly opened my eyes but were forced shut for a minute. "Look she's waking up!" a voice that sounded like a girl's said happily. Then when I opened my eyes again...I couldn't believe my eyes of who I saw!

She had a perfect hourglass figure and was really pretty. She had shining white, diamond and silver hair that reached past her knees and equally white skin.

She was also wearing a long black jacket with a black undershirt, sleek black jeans, and black boots. She also had one eye that was dark purple and the other one was crimson red. 

"w-Where am I?" I asked sleepily. The girl giggled and said "You are in my's been a while Akiza".

I did she know my name?! Then I noticed something around her was Meloetta in it's Pirouette Form! 

I look at it then I realized...about my Meloetta necklace in it's Aria form! "Wait...Kaguya...Kaguya Mizuki is that you?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. 

I felt my eyes sting and I hug her. "I missed you so much!" we both said at the same time that made us laugh. 

You see Kaguya Mizuki was my childhood friend  back home and she was 3 years older than me...well she lived in the Mewna region and came to my home region for a while.

Before she had to leave I gave her a Meloetta necklace that way we would never forget eachother. And now I finally got to see her again after all this time!

"I tried to meet you at the airport but my mother called me back...because I kinda ran off without telling know how parents are" Kaguya said laughing nervously.

I giggled because my parents were often trying to see what I was doing or where I was...even though I was totally fine.

Then I realized something... "Wait...where's my pokemon and my stuff?!" I asked looking around in concern.

Kaguya smiled and shook her head. "Don't worry they are butler Mr. Baggins is taking care of them now" she told me. Wait...she had a butler?!

But right now...I was just happy to be with my friend again :)  

 Kaguya Mizuki belongs to Agentcalypsoqueen and I hope you guys like it! :D x3

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