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This will be a form for people and pokemon alike! :D x3

It is not required to do both in order to be in the story but it is greatly encouraged :) 

People Form:


Age: 10-70 ( Can be older depending on their backstory)


Appearance: Can be described or have a picture of the character will work to


Parents: If parents are one of the main characters...will be a relative but I don't mind that though just not so many people do that okay '^.^


Trainer/Gym Leader/Coordinator/etc.: Are they a trainer, coordinator, gym leader, or maybe a poke ranger but this goes to lots of things x3


Pokemon Team: 6 pokemon: Nicknames are optional and Put down ability, gender, and moveset.

Extra info: Anything extra or interesting about that person 

Pokemon Form:


Gender Ratio: Ex: 25% Male 75% Female


Type: Can be two types or just one

Species: Ex: Pikachu, the Electric Mouse Pokemon

Description: Similar to a pokedex entry

Move set: Depends on type but this is not required unless you added new moves 

So this the form that is used for people and pokemon :) x3

Remember you don't have to do both to get in the story only if you want to :) 

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