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I whistled and other men brought a tray for the items we have discovered. After a couple of days of prepping to leave the dig site. Morrigan and I left Egypt, of course, we did some shopping first. The black market even;:-)

I even got a newborn panther so I was excited to meet, Midna. I was also ecstatic to be back home. In our Mansion. Mostly mine since Morrigan stayed in a different realm. I walk upstairs and placed the Egyptian ring on my finger. The sarcophagus was inside a glass case and I snapped and the sarcophagus was placed in a separate Case and the mummy stood on the case. "'ayqiz abn alshari"
Awaken son of evil I said.

The creature moved nothing and then its hand slammed on the glass.

"mahabat Dhabi(my Love)" it screeches. He was referring to his lover. He repeats himself looking around frantically. "Alsamt!" (Silence). I yelled. my voice causing power to erupt me making the birds pause their singing and the bloodsucker in front of me to eye me warily. His body was still mummified and I wave my arm causing the case and a mirror dimension to open. my mirror dimension. I walk through it while holding the vampire in my telekinetic grasp.

"This is my realm. callout my name, Baldur, to the skies after you feed. I shall fetch you and we will speak of our turns. You belong to me and if you for any reason disobey me, you will be punished." I told him. He has been part of the earth longer than me to know the new language of English.

I went back to the Mortal Realm and the ring on the right-center finger caught my attention. And I knew what I had to do. I sense a powerful power at my door and snap my fingers opening it. The man looks in my home warily and holds a clipboard with a package behind him. "I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled. I made sure to change to my skin back to its chocolate and my hair to black. I was the true epitome of beauty. I walk down the center stairs and with pen in hand and I am handed the clipboard. Reading VERY quickly I sign what I needed to and hand the clipboard back. I throw my pen behind me and grab the package opening it. A Panther cub awakens looking at me. I held my breath and picked her up. "Midna it's nice to see you.  By the cosmos, you are beautiful" I said. The delivery boy looked at me weirdly. I look at him and placed power into my voice. "You have forgotten me and shipped me a new vacuum cleaner. You take your leave and deliver the rest of your packages. After your done go find a wife" I force.

His eyes glaze over and he does what I say. I close the door and put a barrier around my house and hide the third floor. A white tiger stalks down the stairs and looks at me with wide purple irises. his body rippling like water and he stands there with a white robe. "Master, you've found... another?" He says. But his voice was uncertain.


"Azrael, she is another shifter. Keep her safe." He walks up to me. Azrael was a child of mine. More so a descendant. He looked at me like a father and a mother. He calls me to master as a way of pledging his loyalty. It was how he was raised. His mother was my granddaughter and she gave birth to what started a race that I discovered. Let's just say I pulled a Loki a Mated with all the feline species. Starting my own Race of Were, or animal shifters. Azrael was towered over me and was a mass of muscle. His sibling walked in also. A cheetah shifter by the name of Teio.(Tay O)


"Papa. The panther has arrived. He stated. He was equal to Azrael also twins. There only physical difference was an intricate marking on his forehead and a mane of white hair. A gene that hailed from me. Midna squirmed and I set her down. Azrael and Teio shifted. Teio grabbed her with his jaw and carried her as he jumped upstairs to their playroom. I walk up the stairs to the third floor. The floor was separated by, artifacts, library, and training room. I walked to the Artifacts and my name is whispered. "Baldur" it rang.

My vampire called. Throwing my hand out the wall in front of me cracked and opened up a portal. I walked through the portal and see My vampire. "My name is Sirus, Sire." I looked at Sirus and took his hand in mine.



e held the Great Egyptian bronze skin and his eyes were red. With bloodlust. His hair brown and he was only covered in linen wraps and a greatly tattered Shendyt. Exposing himself. Using my magic I changed his clothes so he was a great fit to be my Egyptian warrior. I started to walk pulling him along with me. "Your realm is beautiful sire" he stated. I smiled at that. I know newborn.

We looked at the black sky only colored by the tallest of Bioluminescent trees that lit the way. Their vibrant greens, purples, and blues were well addressed. "You know your rank I assume?" I ask him. Sirus nodded.

"I am your slave, servant, I am at your service. And beck and call" I smiled. "You are," I say. I stop at my temple and in the center of it, I use my Magic. the black ribbons lifted him up as if gravity was against him. A hand in the form of wisps formed and pulled out a glowing ball from his chest. His soul. And placed it I told the ring I bore on my finger. His eyes turned brightened and his skin drained to a ghosty white. The transformation was complete.

His power had been heightened and his hunger was not sated once again. His eyes looked at me and I nod in agreement. He rushed to me and bit into my neck taking the sustenance he needed. Licking the wound he healed me.

We were both males and a silent plea shown in our eyes. With my permission, we stayed in my temple till my pocket dimension was the day.

Rebirth: Of The Evil LotusWhere stories live. Discover now