1.03: sephine

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"So, where did you go after we went to the snack bar?" Liv questions from the passenger seat of my car.

I pull up to the gate into the neighborhood and wait for them to unlock the gate for me. "I went to class?"

I'm not lying, I actually did go to class. I sat there and started to read Cyrano De Bergerac, but I couldn't help but think that one of Dickens' works would have been a better option.

She scoffs, "Ten minutes early?"

"I wanted to be on time?"

Liv shakes her head at me, "I thought that Hayes had killed you or something. I certainly did not expect him to be the one sitting there when we got back."

My car jostles slightly as I go over the speed bump that attempts to keep people from speeding. However, it has become worn down over the years and was never fixed, so now it's a slight inconvenience.

The idea of Hayes hurting anything that wasn't a girl's heart makes me laugh because I'm sure he couldn't hurt a fly on purpose. "Yes, Liv, he stabbed me with a plastic fork, and I'm able to drive the car because I have unfinished business."

"Well, now I can tell Cam that I'm right, even if he does accidentally kill us, we'll still be able to come back to kill him."

My jaw drops, and I turn to stare at her. "I thought you were supposed to be the nice one of us."

"No, that's you," She winks, and I shake my head laughing.

"Are we going to Cam's game tonight?"

Liv nods, playing with her manicured nails, "Duh, we haven't missed a home game yet this season. Why start now?"

We take turns wearing Cam's away jersey to games, and this time it was my turn. I practically swim in the uniform as it hangs loosely across my small frame. Last time I wore it, I looked like a little boy playing dress-up. But the jersey material was unexplainably comfortable, or I probably would insist Liv wore it every game.

"We have almost an hour to kill before we need to be there, do you mind just chilling while I get started on some homework before we head out?" I ask once we pull into my driveway.

She nods, "I'll probably just eat and then look through your clothes to see if I can find something else you might have hidden away like that black dress."

I get out of the car, choosing to ignore her comment about the black dress as I pull my backpack out of the backseat. At the time, it had seemed like not a very big deal, but I guess I had underestimated the effect the 'old' me would have on the people that have only known the 'new' me.

My homework from my AP Psychology class takes almost the entire time to finish because I had to read and take notes over fifteen pages of the textbook. Liv had a rather fun time in my closet looking at all my shoes since none of my clothes seemed to interest her at this point.

I shut the textbook, and Liv pokes her head out of the closet. "Is it finally time to go?"

"Yeah, can you toss me Cam's jersey?" I ask, finally getting around to taking off my uniform to change.

She tosses me the jersey from my bed as I finish buttoning my shorts and pull it up over my head. "That jersey is huge on you," Liv shakes her head, and I look down to see the red and white jersey falls past my shorts.

"Yes, I'm aware I'm short. Do I leave it or tie it up?"

She tilts her head before a devilish smirk, "I think you should leave it. I kind of want to see if Hayes will notice."

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