It didn't take long for Tessa to track me down as I headed to meet Seph for lunch. She lasted longer than I thought she would. "Is there a reason for the games? I already apologized."
I allow her to think that she's two steps ahead, but I've known Tessa for years. Or I thought I knew her, but at least I know how she thinks. "If you'll excuse me, I need to find Sephine."
"Do you even know her?" Tessa calls out, halting me in my steps.
I can't say that I'm not curious about what has Sephine so afraid, but I'd rather hear it from her if she chooses to tell me. "Well, I've known you for years, but I guess I still never knew the real you."
"That's not true," She says quietly, and for a second, I see the girl that I was in love with. "Will you just hear me out? We never got the chance to talk after everything-"
"Because you fucking left. You said that it was a mistake and that you regretted it, but the next day you were gone." I snap at Tessa, and her face falls void of emotion.
"Hayes, I'm sorry."
"I don't care if you're sorry. What part of that don't you get?"
Thankfully the hallway is empty that no one can hear the conversation conspiring between us. "I just thought it would be easier if I left."
"Easier for who? You?" I retort, trying not to laugh. "This is absolute bullshit."
"I think that your new 'relationship' is bullshit." Tessa takes a step closer to me, but I refuse to back down.
I hate that it doesn't matter how much I despise her, there's still a part of me that's attracted to her. Tessa's beautiful but not in the same way that I used to see her as. Her hazel eyes have tints of grey that compliment her olive skin with long dark hair that I used to love to run my fingers through. But now I notice the coldness in her demeanor and the way she uses people to further herself.
"Good thing it doesn't matter what you think, Tess."
I wish I could say that it didn't hurt to see her, but after everything that happened last year, it does. That bothers me more than anything. Sephine was right when she said it would take more to convince Tessa, but this has to work.
She stays silent, and I realize that I'm late in meeting Sephine, but when I look back to find Tessa, she's already gone. I uncharacteristically slam my fist into the unfortunate locker next to me. "Shit," I mutter under my breath as I stretch my hand out, noticing a cut on one of my knuckles from the side of the locker. I hate that she can still get inside my head because no matter how in control I am of a situation, her screwup from last year always has a way of getting the better end of my temper to show itself.
I try to hide the scowl from my face as I head down the hallway and into the large commons room the school has set aside for lunch purposes. Instead of sitting next to Cam like I usually do, I take the open seat next to Sephine, and she smiles in confusion.
"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up with something," I flash her a brief smile, but it doesn't stay long.
"Did you already hook up with someone else?" Liv teases, but after the conversation I just had with Tessa, I don't find it very funny.
"Shut up," I snap back, and she looks surprised at my tone, whereas Cam's expression is one of unease.
"Benson, it was a joke," Sephine defends Liv, and I feel bad for snapping at her when she's not even the person I'm angry with.
"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just exhausted."
"Are you sure that's all it is?" Sephine's steely eyes are glittering with anger that she's trying to contain for the sake of our lie.

What A Lie Looks Like | ✓
Teen FictionSephine Montgomery. She moved to get away. Away from her past where she was someone else. But now she's different. Now she's nice. But that was before someone she never thought she would see again appears. And the one person that seems to hate Tessa...