1.07: sephine

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There's always the calm before the storm, but it's pretty safe to say that shit hit the fan this time. I didn't try to antagonize Tessa, I stayed away whenever I could. Still, it was pretty hard to avoid her at Hayes and Cam's lacrosse games because she went with the hope that it would finally be the game that Hayes would hear her out.

It was Liv's turn to wear Cam's jersey, and Liv had said something about it at lunch. But I didn't expect Hayes to show up at my locker after school with his undone school tie in one hand and his away jersey in the other. We didn't mention the little heart-to-heart we shared, but it was safe to say that we understood each other a bit better.

"Hayes, I'm not wearing that. People are going to think that we're together, and we're not; thank you, but I can't wear your jersey." I'm firm in my decision as I maneuver around him to put my English book into my locker.

He rolls his eyes, something that I've noticed him do quite a bit lately, and it always occurs around me. "Relax Seph, it's just a jersey. Everyone here knows that I don't date, so they wouldn't think much of it. Worst case scenario, they will think we're sleeping together."

"Why do you want me to wear it anyway?" I ask skeptically, and he smirks, showing the dimple on his left cheek.

"For you to show your undying support, why else?"

"You'll already have Tessa there for that," I tease, and Hayes frowns.

"Would you just please wear it?" There's a twinge of annoyance in his voice, but I take the jersey from his hand anyway.

I should have known that taking the jersey was a bad idea, but it's tough to tell Hayes no. I already had a hard time explaining to Liv why I had it because I genuinely didn't know why I took it.

The warning I got from Tessa should have been expected, but I'd hoped she had gotten the hint from the last two games she had attended where Hayes had entirely ignored her.

It was a grainy picture, but with enough quality that it was still possible to make out the faces and what the people in the picture are doing. My stomach clenches, and I resist the urge to throw up. She has some nerve sending it with Liv standing right next to me as we wait for the guys. The look of satisfaction on her face is enough to get me to leave Liv's side and to head towards Tessa.

"What is your problem now? I have done nothing to you here, so just leave me alone." She was baiting me to get a reaction, and it worked.

"I don't have a problem with anything other than the company you've decided to keep. I'd hate for Hayes to end up the same way Ethan did," Tessa's being downright cruel, and I can feel myself losing a grip on my self-control.

"That's what this is about?" I want to laugh because it's almost ironic how we're nearly three thousand miles away from where all this started. We're falling back into the same situation all over again.

"You have no idea what I'm willing to do for the people I care about." She warns, and the guys choose that specific moment to walk out the gates.

"You don't care about anyone; it's always been about yourself, Tessa. Leave us alone." Hayes's hand rests on my shoulder, pulling me away from Tessa before I do something like hitting her. It was a smart move on his part, but rational thinking had gone out the window the second Ethan was brought up.

Hayes wanted revenge on Tessa for hurting him, and it seems like the only thing she cares about is him. Impulsively, I turn around to pull him down to my height level and crash my lips into his. He responds quickly by gripping my hip tightly with one hand, and the other tangles itself into my caramel locks. It's the first time I've kissed someone since Ethan, so I'm shocked that I had even done it. Because Hayes had just played a game, it wasn't all that surprising that I could taste the remnants of salt left from sweat mixed with gatorade. I barely thought about this as he took complete control of a situation that I had gotten not only myself into, but Hayes also.

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