1.24: hayes

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With Georgetown practically down the street, it's not hard to find a party with free booze. I'm a few drinks in and stewing in a corner. I only came for the alcohol if we're honest. I'm not exactly in a partying mood.

The music is hurting my head, and too many people have tried to drag me into their game of beer pong. My keys and phone feel heavy in my pocket, but not as heavy as my heart.

I know that Tessa and I broke up a while back, but Cam is my best friend. He hooked up with the girl I was in love with, and then listened to me mope for weeks after. What kind of person does that?

I down the last of my cup quickly with that thought, and head back to the bar to refill it with cheap liquor. When I return to my corner, it's inhabited by another lost soul.

She appears to be hiding out like me, and is sipping slowly on her drink. Her eyes drift over to me, and for a second, a small second, I can pretend that she's Tessa.

It's the liquor affecting my vision though. Her features are similar but not identical. "Are you just going to stare at me?" She snorts, and I shake my head, regretting it almost immediately.

"No, you just look like someone I used to know."

I settle in next to her and resume my stewing. "So, are you here by yourself, or are you associated with the bozos over there?" She asks, referring to the frat guys doing a keg stand.

Chuckling, I shake my head. "I'm here for the free booze. You?"

"I got dumped and didn't feel like stuffing my face with ice cream anymore. What's your reason for hiding in the corner?"

I take another long drink, feeling it burn my esophagus. "No reason, just in the mood to get drunk."

She doesn't accept that answer though, "See the typical reasons people come to drink alone is because they didn't get the job they wanted, their girlfriend cheated with the best friend, or they're just feeling sorry for themselves. Which one do you fit into?" Her eyes are burning a hole into me, and I can feel my head spin.

I laugh, "Houston, we have a winner," I say, not referring to which one she hit dead on the nail.

It's her turn to laugh at my weak attempt of a joke, "You're quite the bitter comedian, so my guess would be the girlfriend and best friend."

At the reminder of Tessa and Cam, I take another drink, silently answering her question.

"Ouch, I'm sorry." She says softly. Pushing herself off the wall, she offers me a hand, "Mia."

"Hayes," I reply shaking her hand gently.

I'm not feeling so hot, but I'm not ready to go home yet. Dad and Shannon left this morning for whatever branch of the business they're checking up on. I don't mind, though; it just means the house will be empty.

Mia grabs my cup as I'm distracted in my thoughts, "Hey, that's mine." I protest weakly, trying to grab for it, but she steps out of reach quickly.

"You'll thank me in the morning. You look like shit."

I roll my eyes, and she dumps the liquor from my cup into hers, stacking them. "Let me see your phone."

"I have a girlfriend, and I don't want your number." I slur, and her eyebrows raise questioningly.

"She sounds like a real keeper, cheating on you with your best friend. You're cute, but not my type. I was going to call someone to pick you up because you look like you're about to puke." Mia says, and I begrudgingly know she is right. I pull the phone out of my pocket, quickly unlocking it and pass it over without another thought.

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