Book 2,3,4

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Hey guys!

Thank you so much for sticking me throughout this book. I know that there were a few plot twists you probably weren't very happy about but I loved writing this book and these characters!

I'm so excited to announce that Grayson is getting his own story in What A Secret Looks Like!

WASLL will take place in the middle of part two of this book and then continue after the ending of this book; yes, Hayes and Sephine will be in it but they won't be the main focus because this one is about...

Grayson and Tessa!!!

It's already posted on my profile so if you're interested in sticking with the characters please go check it out!

There's two more completed books in the series after What A Secret Looks Like to complete the series! Hayes and Sephine are in every story and I promise they get to keep a happy ending. I've done so much to them at this point that it would break my heart to hurt them anymore so I promise they're safe. 

Personally, my favorite of the books is the third because I adore the plot line, but Hayes and Sephine will always be my favorite couple. The fourth book has chapters from every characters' point of views so you'll get to see what everyone's futures look like!

Thank you,

xoxo Laurea

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