Chapter 11:

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We're all sitting in the living room and Peeta has him arm around me. the kids are anxious to hear the storry. but i have a feeling they might not be so happy when its over.

" two need to understand that this was a completely different time and everything was alot different then." Peeta says.he looks at me and i take a deep breath.

"5 years ago,before you were born Panem was a completely different place. a horrible place. people were dying of starvation, had almost no money and even the wealthier families were still poor." i say. i start to get upset and Peeta continues on for me.

"Well... the Capitol controlled the 12 districts with something they called the annual Hunger Games. in the games a girl and boy 12-18 from each district go into an arena and fight to the death and only one comes out alive. ...Your mother and i were in those games..twice." he says. Lendsi crawls into my lap and looks up at me.

"but if only one comes out how did you both do it twice?" she asks.

"well. in the seventy-fourth games your mother saved my life and we threatened suicide in the end  with poisonous berries and they let us both win." he says avoiding some details.

"then the Capitol got really mad at us because the berries were causing uprisings in some districts. they put us back in the arena for the 75th games. i sort of blew up the force field and District 13 rescued me and some of the other victors." a tear rolls down my cheek and Peeta pulls me close to him.

"did Daddy go too?" Luke asks. i start crying into Peeta's shirt. he kisses the top of my head.

"no... the Capitol got to him first. they took him. and...and..." i choke out.

"They hijacked me. that means they put tracker jacker venom in me and messed with all my memories. but eventually 13 brought me back. its still never going to go away though. your mother became the Mockingjay and led the rebellion against the Capitol. eventually the rebels won and then your motherr assasinated President Coin and thats how Paylor ended up as President. so if anyone ever says anything about the star crossed lovers of District 12, thats me and your mother." he says.

"and everytime we send you with Haymitch and go to the Capitol for a day we do interviews. you didnt know about any of this so we didnt want you to see it." Lendsi start crying and clings onto me. i try to sooth her but it doesnt work so i just help her fall asleep in their bedroom. soon Peeta does the same with Luke. i go into our bedroom and just lay there trying to make the flashbacks go away. Peeta comes in and sits down. i curl up into a ball in his arms. "i dont think i can handle the tapes yet." i say.

"me niether..." he say shaking his head. "do you want to go hunting?" he asks. i nod my head.

"come with me..." i say.

"what about the kids. i guess i could send them to Haymitch." i nod.

"i think i scared him enough. he wont tell them anything else." i say laughing. i walk into the closet and grab my father's hunting jacket. Peeta's in the kitchen making breakfast. i grab my game bag and sit down at the table. i start nibbling on toast and then we head out. Peeta always takes longer getting under the fence because of his prosthetic leg. i manage to shoot down 3 birds through the eye and set 15 snares. the only bad thing about bringing Peeta is that he still scares off all of the game. so he just sits and watches me sometimes. i'm aimed and about to shoot. Peeta wraps his arms around my waist and says boo and my arrow lodges in the ground. i pout at him aand he kisses me. i show him to the old house by the lake. i take off my jacket and "AHH!"

Peeta pushed me in. im gonna get him for that, he turns around to take his shirt off and i grab his leg and drag him in. he splashes in mmaking water fly everywhere. he picks me up and holds me over his head. "no! stop it! put me down!" i scream.

"okay!" he drops me in and i slowly float back up. i splash him in the face and he laughs. he tries to splash me back but i duck away before it hits me. he sneaks up and wrapps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his arms. he dunks me in the water and i try to swim away. he picks me up and places me back on the ground.i help him out and start to dry mayelf off with Peeta's shirt.  i throw it to him and he frowns.

"its soaked..." he says.

"yes. and i'm dry!" i say laughing. he rolls his eyes and pulls on the wet shirt. i try to wring out my hair while i check the snares. i find 3 more rabbits and shoot out 2 squirrels before we decide to head back.

i slip back under the fence followed by Peeta. we make it to Haymitch's house and we are both still very wet. he looks shocked at our dripping wet appearance. we walk the kids back home and try not to drip on them. Peeta changes his shirt and wrapps me in a towel.

Luke helps Peeta make Lunch and i take Lendsi outside in the backyard. she chases a butterfly. i pick at a Primrose. she runs over and knock me down in a hug and sits in my lap. i hand her a Primrose and she kisses it.

"do you know where your middle name is from?" i ask. she looks up at me. "did i ever tell you about your aunt? Primrose Everdeen?" i say, slumping against a tree holding the delicate flower. she shakes her head no and i smile half heartedly. "Prim. she was 4 years younger then me. 7 years ago,  she was 12 and she got picked in the reaping and i volunteered for her. that was the year me and your Dad were in the games. the end of the war they dropped a bomb and.... Prim burned alive. she died. and i still never forgave the man who made that bomb. you also had 2 uncles on yiur father's side. but the only person left on either side is my mother and i'm sorry but your never going to meet her. i dont exactly get along with my mother.i'm sorry, Lendsi." she clings anto my waist just like Peeta does and i carry her inside for lunch.

"Mommy!" Luke comes running over and grabs hold of my leg. i put Lendsi down and she does the same. "Mommy! someone called for you!" he says.

"Really? who?" i ask. shuffling across to the fridge.

"Idont know. he said you were close friends? and he said you would know who he was?" he says.

"Dammit Gale!" i mutter so the kids cant hear. "Peeta!" i shout. he comes rushing to my side immediatley.

"Whats wrong!" he says grasping my hand.

"someone, called.." i say. "A male someone..." his eyes widen.

"What did he want!" he asks.

"i dont know. Luke answered the phone. ask him." he sits Luke down and starts asking questions. i go to the drawerr and quickly start scribbling something down. i take a piece of tape and put the list on the wall next to the phone. "here. its a list if the phone rings check who it is first. always answer if its Haymitch Paylor Effie Cinna Portia Madge or Cesar. if its Mrs. Everdeen Gale Hawthorne anyone with the last name Snow or someone with a 304 capitol number NEVER! answer it. if you dont recognize it write it down and tell me or Daddy when we get back." i say. i take a deep angry breath, Peeta pulls me into his lap.

"dont trust Gale.he'll lie about himself and he'll tell you lies about me too." Peeta says.

"why would he do that?" Lendsi asks. we excchange glances.

"we dont have the most pleasant past.'' Peeta blurts out.

" Hey! why dont we eat and talk about butterflies." i say sarcastically. Lendsi and Luke shout yay and run to sit at the table. Peeta laughs and kisses me.

"Butterflies?" he asks.

"i dont know. Lendsi has an obsession." he hugs me. we go and sit down at the table and start enjoying a nice family meal, laughing and living in the wonderous moment.

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