Poem: The Fate of a Cowardly Freak

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The Fate of a Cowardly Freak

He was a boy

Bright eyes and a weak heart

Feared being treated like a toy

So didn't rip anyone else apart

He liked the little things

His piano and his best friend

He was just a boy, wondering

How each day was to end

He was too shy to ask her out

Thinking he was never good enough

Every word was filled with doubt

He admired those who were tough

But then came the time

When the devil found his soul

It had seemed all was fine

That boy in him took the toll

Tough it seems is to be

A coward lacking humanity

So the boy died

He wishes he had tried

To save his precious life

He'd give it all back

Pull out this knife

Try and find his abandoned track

But the world would never let

The little boy survive

Where every kind word is a lie

His heart would not last

His bright eyes are weak

To the shadows they cast

They called him a Freak

And he was gone just as fast.

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