[T H R E E]

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"Come on guys, we have a meet and greet today!" Jin yells, his voice ringing throughout the whole dorm. So far, the only people awake were Jimin and Jin.

"Hoseok, we have to go soon. You gotta get up." Jimin said, shaking awake the sleeping male on the bed beside his. Hoseok groaned but got up, knowing he didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Someone get Yoongi up!" Jin called again and Jimin turned his head to look out the bedroom door. He knew Yoongi was definitely going to be the last person to get up and he sure as hell didn't want to be the one to wake him.

Last time Jimin had woken Yoongi up they ended up having hour long sex and everyone was angry that they were late. Jimin definitely wasn't going to risk that again and definitely not after what had happened yesterday.

Honestly, he didn't even want to see Yoongi. Deep within his chest he still felt irritated and embarrassed. Yoongi always made him feel that way and yet he couldn't do anything about it. Well, more like he wouldn't.

After Jimin was finished getting ready he seated himself in the living room and waited for the others to finish get ready as well. They were usually quick about this type of thing but they seemed extra slow today.

Slowly but surely, they started to pile into the living room. Jimin's body jolted up as Yoongi walked into the room, his demeanor screaming to stay away. He looked like he was ready to kill.

"Okay, let's go." Namjoon said, motioning the guys out the door one by one. As they loaded into the van Jimin made sure to sit by the window so he could look outside as they drove.

There was nothing he loved more than watching the trees fly by. In a way, it was calming. That's exactly what Jimin needed right now, to be calm. That being because Yoongi had taken it upon himself to sit in the very back too.

Everyone else had sat in the seats above, sitting next to each other. Most of them put in their headphones and closed their eyes, hoping to catch some more sleep before their fan event.

Jimin swallowed as he glanced over at Yoongi, only to see his head leaned against the window and his eyes shut. Apparently he wanted to sleep more too. Jimin was actually somewhat grateful for that.

As Jimin watched Yoongi's at rest frame he thought about how today would play out. He knew for a fact that Yoongi would do what he always did when they were at fan events, aka, he'd actually acknowledge Jimin's existence for something other than sex.

As crazy as it sounded, Jimin actually kind of enjoyed that attention. At least then Yoongi could show him affection, even if it was just a show he was putting on. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asks, his eyes snapping open. Jimin's heart nearly fell out of his ass.

There was no way he couldn't possibly get out of that one. "What do you mean?" Jimin asks, turning his gaze away from Yoongi's intense one. Yoongi only scoffed then turned his body in the other direction.

For the first time ever, Jimin was grateful there was other people around. Now Yoongi wouldn't be able to act on whatever it was that was going though his head.


When they finally arrived at the fan sign event Jimin was quick to rush inside, his mood boosting instantly. Jimin loved meeting with the fans. He loved seeing the people who helped him become who he was today.

Army is his family. The people he loved most in this world. Jimin wouldn't trade them for anything. Army really was his whole entire world and more.

As the fans lined up, the guys took their seats. Yoongi felt a hint of amusement as Jin ushered him to sit beside Jimin. The small blonde male was smiling from ear to ear as he looked out at the army's that had showed up for the event.

Of course Yoongi would take this change as the perfect opportunity to get under Jimin's skin. To mess with him and get him flustered in front of everyone. Embarrassment was great when he got to watch Jimin squirm under him afterwards.

One by one, the fans began to move down the line. There was plenty of very beautiful army that would come to the fansigns but Yoongi couldn't help but feel anxious to get home and fuck around with Jimin some more.

He was beginning to feel a bit deprived after what happened yesterday. Jimin never turned down sex before and suddenly he had which wasn't making Yoongi too happy.

As the time came to talk to the audience, everything Jimin once dreaded was beginning to happen. "Lately I've just been spending a lot of my time in my studio, isn't that right Jimin?" Yoongi asks, his hand resting on Jimin's shoulder.

"How would I know?" Jimin stampers, trying not to become flustered at Yoongi's words. Of course he took opportunities like this to fuck with Jimin's feeling and make him become flustered.

There was nothing that Yoongi loved more than to see Jimin squirm. He loved getting under his skin. Honestly, it was a major turn on and he loved it. Yoongi loved the rise he got out of Jimin. It was such a high and satisfying feeling.

"Yoongi usually just watches Netflix in his studio." Hoseok scoffs, exposing Yoongi's true ways. "Hey, I do a lot more in there than just watch Netflix you know." Yoongi defends, his eyes falling on Jimin. Of course Jimin was already fully aware of what he meant.

"Yeah, like what?" Jungkook asks, laughing slightly. Yoongi smirks as he looks over at Jimin again. "My music, of course." He says and the crowd laughs and cheers.

On the inside, Jimin could feel his aggravation rising. Of course Yoongi was saying things like this to get under his skin. He knew Yoongi would never tell anyone what the two of them did but still, he was already worried people may figure it out.

After a couple more hours of Yoongi's painful bothering Jimin, the fan sign had come to an end. "I'm exhausted, I can't wait to go back home and sleep." Taehyung yawns, stretching out his arms.

"Me too." Jungkook yawns, running his fingers through his dark hair. "Then let's get going. I'm looking forward to sleeping too." Namjoon says as he packs up the rest of his things.

Of course everyone was eager to go back and sleep. It seemed as if they rarely got enough sleep these days. It was always work work work. Of course their job was fun and all but it was also draining too.

Nonetheless, they all love their job and wouldn't trade it for the world. All they wanted was just to get more sleep, ya know. Jimin's yawn, followed by the other yawns as they got into the van shows just how tired they were.

Leaning his head against the window, Jimin could feel himself drifting off to sleep. He was still tired from having woke up so early that he could barely keep his eyes open. So he didn't. Instead, he let sleep take him.


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