[T W E N T Y - T H R E E]

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I'm hopefully getting a tattoo this weekend!! I'm a bit nervous bcuz I don't do well with pain but it's a cute & simple tattoo so I figured I should just do it!! Wish me luck!💖

Jimin's eyes widened, embarrassment and fear installing into his body. "Hyung, this isn't what it looks like!" Jimin panicked, rushing to grab his clothes. "Uh Jimin, It's exactly what it looks like." Yoongi said in a state of shock.

Of course he was shocked. He had just walked in on two of his group members having sex. There was no other explanation as he saw them like this, completely naked and Yoongi legit inside of Jimin.

Jin snapped his head in the other direction quickly as he slammed the door shut so the others wouldn't witness what he had. "Hyung, let me explain." Jimin cried, panicked as he thought the worst. What if Jin was disgusted? What if he hated him now?

"Please, just go get dressed; Both of you." Jin said, his head still turned in the other direction. Jimin and Yoongi exchanged glances, Jimin on the brink of tears. Jimin didn't say anything as he ran for his bedroom.

Yoongi let out a sigh before yanking up his pants and turning to Jin. "I'm dressed, you can look." Yoongi said, his voice monotone. Jin slowly turned to look at Yoongi, neither of them speaking for a moment. Finally, Jin spoke.

"So are you two dating or..." Jin's words came out more confused then anything else. "You're not angry, are you?" Yoongi asked, completely ignoring the question. Yoongi didn't feel as if the question was very necessary, plus he didn't have an answer to give him.

"Of course I'm not angry, I'm just confused." Jin said, still shaken up. Just then the door knob jiggled. "Go check on Jimin. I'll talk to you two later." Jin said before walking towards the door. Yoongi let out a sigh and made his way towards Jimin's bedroom.

When Yoongi didn't find Jimin there he went to his studio and that's exactly where he found the small blonde haired male. Jimin was sitting on the couch in Yoongi's studio, his head in his hands. Yoongi could automatically feel the worry coming off of him in large waves.

When Jimin spotted Yoongi he stood up. "What did he say? Was he mad? Does he hate me? Oh god Yoongi, you should have stopped." Jimin cried, his eyes glistening with tears. Yoongi didn't say anything as he walked over to Jimin and pulled him into his arms.

"He doesn't hate you, Jimin." Yoongi says calmly. "But is he angry ?" Jimin asked, glancing up at Yoongi. "He's not. He said he'd talk to us later. For now just try to relax okay, this was bound to happen eventually." Yoongi says calmly, mainly so Jimin stayed calm too.

"What about everyone else? He's going to tell them and they're gonna hate me. What if they kick me out of the group?" Jimin says, slipping out of Yoongi's arms. "Don't be stupid. I was part of that too ya know. They're not gonna kick you out. Everything is gonna be fine." Yoongi said as he watched Jimin pace back and forth.

"What if it's not, Yoongi, then what? I have no backup plan if they kick me out! I'll have nothing then I'll have to-" but before Jimin could continue, Yoongi pulled Jimin to him and pressed their lips together. Jimin instantly felt silent.

When Yoongi pulled away Jimin pressed his lips together and watched as Yoongi took in a breath. "Everything is gonna be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." Yoongi said, his voice serious as he looked Jimin in the eyes.

Jimin took in a breath, believing Yoongi's words. Although Jimin wasn't 100% sure what this thing between Yoongi and him was now, he felt as if he could believe Yoongi when he said this. Jimin hoped he could believe Yoongi.


After what felt like forever of waiting, Yoongi and Jimin heard a knock on Yoongi's studio door. Jimin sat up, alert, and Yoongi walked over to the door. When he opened it, the two males saw Jin standing in the doorway. Jimin tensed.

"Come in." Yoongi says, moving to the side. Jimin pulled his lips in as he watched Jin walk over and sit down beside him. Jimin's heart was racing, afraid to hear what he had to say. "Well?" Yoongi asked, sitting down in his chair.

Jin looked between Jimin and Yoongi before speaking. "How long has this been going on?" Jin asked, his voice calm. Yoongi looked over at Jimin who was looking down at his hands. "A pretty long time." Yoongi said honestly.

"So then have you two been dating this whole time?" Jin asked. Jimin felt his chest weigh down, afraid to hear how Yoongi Would respond. "Not exactly." Yoongi says and Jimin squeezes his eyes shut. "So you two aren't dating at all? It's just sex?" Jin asks, his voice slightly confused.

Jimin didn't want to hear Yoongi's answer but he knew he couldn't just get up and leave. "In the beginning it was but I like Jimin, I want to be with him." Yoongi says, causing Jimin's eyes to widen as he snaps his head in Yoongi's direction.

Jin looks at the two males seated before him and he nods slowly. "I haven't told the others but I think it's time you did. There's no need to hide this anymore." Jin says, his voice soft. Jimin looks over at Jin, clearly not up for the idea.

"I can't. I.." Jimin said, his heart racing. "It'll be okay." Yoongi says, moving over and resting his hand on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin looked back at Yoongi and he felt his stomach twist. So much was happening and Jimin couldn't keep up.

Jimin took in a deep breath. "You don't hate me, do you?" Jimin asked. Jin smiles slightly as he moved closer to Jimin. "Of course I don't hate you. Just because you want to date Yoongi doesn't change who you are as a person. You're the same person you've always been. This doesn't change anything." Jin says.

Jimin smiled, his nerves relaxing. "It's okay to date Yoongi. Love is love. Regardless of gender." Jin says as he leans forward and pulls Jimin into his arms. Jimin hugged back, his heart still beating quickly. Jimin was just glad his hyung accepted him. Now he feared what the others would say.

When Jin pulled away he stood up and smiled. "Now I think you should go tell the others. You two have hid this for a long time, it's time to come clean." Jin says. Jimin looked over at Yoongi who didn't seem worried in the slightest.

"Can you just give us a second." Jimin said and Jin nodded before heading out of the room. When Jimin and Yoongi we're alone, Jimin looked over at his hyung. "Did you really mean what you said?" Jimin asked, feeling his stomach doing flips.

"About wanting to be with you? Of course I meant it, Jimin. I don't want to see you with another man and that's because I want you to myself. If that means I need to give it my everything, Okay." Yoongi says seriously.

Jimin smiled, everything he had ever wanted finally becoming a reality. "So now what?" Jimin asks. Yoongi gave a soft smile before standing. "Well, now we go out there and come out to everyone as boyfriends. No matter what happens, you'll always have me." Yoongi says softly.

Jimin took in a deep breath before nodding. Yoongi extended his hand to Jimin who slowly took it. When Jimin stood up, Yoongi pulled him into another hug. Although Jimin was nervous he also felt at peace. Finally, Yoongi wanted him too.

"Okay, let's go." Yoongi says as he pulls back from Jimin. Jimin took in a deep breath before he made his way towards the door. Even though He was scared to hear what the others would have to say, he knew in the end, he'd still have Yoongi. That made Jimin feel just a little bit better.


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