[F I F T E E N]

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Back at the dorm, the guys scattered to their bedrooms, exhausted from all of today's hard work. Everyone was officially drained and ready to fall bad into their comfy beds and sleep.

Well, everyone except for Jungkook and Taehyung who thought that they still might have just a tad bit more energy left. Energy they wanted to use to be together; Sexually.

"Can I top today?" Jungkook asked as he and Taehyung strip from their clothes, eager to hook up. "Do you have to?" Taehyung pouts as he tugged off his pants.

"Well no..but I want to. Please." Jungkook says, batting his lashes at the older male. Taehyung was never one to go against Jungkook's wishes. He wanted to keep Jungkook happy always.

"Alright, fine." Taehyung gave in, letting his lover have his way. Usually that's how it went anyway. Not that Taehyung minded. Taehyung just loved giving Jungkook what he wanted.

As the two men began what they were doing, Jimin fell to the studio floor, his chest heaving. After hours of non stop dancing Jimin was feeling the burn like crazy.

His hips ached as he laid there, staring up at the tall white piped ceiling. Jimin was dreading the moment he would have to stand up and walk home. Jimin knew he shouldn't have stayed so late but now that he had, there was no going back.

The only option Jimin had was to call the dorm and see who was awake. Whoever that person may be would be owed a favor from Jimin for making them come out to pick him up at almost 3am.

Jimin pulled out his cellphone and called the home phone that was placed back in the dorm. After three rings, someone answered. "Hello?" The voice asked, causing Jimin's stomach to flip. The voice belonged to Yoongi.

"Uh, Hey. It's me Jimin." Yoongi instantly rose up in his chair at the name. "It's late. Aren't you supposed to be back by now? The guys kept asking about you." Yoongi said, swinging side to side in his chair at his desk.

"That's why I called. I was hoping someone could come get me." Jimin said, pulling in his bottom lip as he stared up at the ceiling. "So then you want me to come get you at nearly 3am? That'll cost ya, kitten."

Jimin mentally sighed, his head pulsating. "Fine, okay. Please just come." Jimin said, hissing slightly as he sat up. "Oh, don't start without me baby boy. I'll see you soon." Yoongi winked before hanging up the phone.

Jimin sighed, knowing he definitely would be in even worse pain now. Jimin hoped he could get away with just giving Yoongi a blow job but he knew that wouldn't be possible. Yoongi wasn't that nice.

Once Jimin gathered his things he headed down to the main lobby and waited for Yoongi to arrive. Jimin was dreading seeing Yoongi but he knew he didn't have much of a choice. He had to get home.

Yoongi grinned as he pulled up to the big hit building, seeing Jimin standing outside, sweat glistening on his forehead. Yoongi hit the button to roll down the window then he spoke. "Come on, doll."

Jimin ignored Yoongi's comment and slipped onto the passenger seat. "Why did you practice for so late if you knew you didn't want to walk home?" Yoongi scoffed, glancing over at Jimin.

Usually Yoongi wouldn't even bother talking to Jimin but for some reason he felt talkative. Plus he hadn't had company since the people around him had fallen asleep.

"I lost track of time." Jimin mumbled, staring out the window so he didn't have to look at Yoongi. "Are you tired now?" Yoongi asked after a moment. Jimin yawned in response.

For some odd reason, Yoongi felt like being generous. "Don't worry about doing anything. Just go to sleep when we get home." Yoongi said. Jimin snapped his head In Yoongi's direction. Jimin was shocked.

"Did I get into the wrong car? Who are you?" Jimin asks, looking around frantically. "Unless you want to do something, baby boy." Yoongi says and Jimin shakes his head. Never mind.

"Why are you being so nice?" Jimin asked, ignoring Yoongi's comment. Yoongi glanced over at Jimin and shrugged. "Well you helped me when I was stressed about work so I guess this is me repaying you." Yoongi said, his eyes on the road.

Jimin's eyes widened, not believing Yoongi was actually saying these things. Instead of questioning it, Jimin mumbled a quick thanks before leaning his head against the window. The cold air blowing in his face, he let his eyes fall shut.
Arriving back at the dorm Yoongi notice that Jimin had fallen asleep. Instead of waking Jimin up, Yoongi got out of the car and walked to the passenger side. Carefully, the older male picked Jimin up bridal style and carried him inside.

The dorm was completely silent, everyone already being asleep. Yoongi made sure to be quiet as he carried the small blonde haired boy to his bedroom. Upon getting there he gently set Jimin down, making sure not to wake him.

After Yoongi laid Jimin down he admired him for a moment. Yoongi couldn't deny it, Jimin is beautiful. Beyond handsome. Yoongi had always thought it and he always made sure to tell Jimin that when the two of them were together.

With one last glance at the younger males sleeping frame, Yoongi made his way towards his bedroom. Even Yoongi was exhausted from today's day of hard work. Without the slightest complications, Yoongi fell asleep.


Waking up the next Morning, Jimin sat up and stretched, his mouth hung opened as he let out a long yawn. Jimin looked around, not remembering getting home and going to sleep.

Still, he didn't question it. Jimin figured it would be better not to think about it anyway. Instead, Jimin stood up and got dressed for whatever was planned for today.

After Jimin finished getting dressed he headed to the living room where he found Hoseok and Jin. The two were seated on the couch taking about something the younger male probably didn't care for.

When Jin spotted Jimin a smile took over his face. "Good morning!" He'd says, patting the spot next to him so Jimin would sit. Of course, he did what his hyung expected of him.

"How did you sleep?" Hoseok asked, smiling at Jimin. "I slept okay. I don't feel as sore as I thought I would." Jimin said, thankful for that. Being sore is the last thing he wanted right now.

"That's good to hear. Even so because I had something I wanted to ask of you today." Jin said, looking down at Jimin with a hopeful glint in his shining brown eyes.

"What is it?" The younger asks, knowing he'd do it anyway. It was just who Jimin was. He couldn't say no to his hyung. "Something simple. I just need you to help me with some choreography. Hoseok is busy today and can't help." Jin says, smiling brightly.

Jimin nodded, the task being easier than he had thought. "Great! Thank you." Jin smiles widely, pulling Jimin into his arms. "Welcome." Jimin muttered back, smiling at his hyung.

Jimin leaned back into the couch, relaxing before he'd had to start helping jin. Jimin didn't mind helping, in fact he was actually quite excited. Smiling, Jimin waited for the to come.


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