[T W E N T Y - T W O]

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I've been dreading updating bcuz this chapter is 2282 words. Editing is time consuming😂😩 Anyways, enjoy. 🤗

A couple days had passed since Jimin returned home to Busan and he was feeling refreshed. Seeing his family again was shining a new light down on him. Jimin felt happy again. He needed this.

What he didn't need was the dark haired male who was standing in his doorway at this very moment. Here's how that went down. ~ A couple days of peaceful time had passed then one day Jimin heard a knock on his door, answered it, and saw Yoongi standing before him.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked, slightly wide eyed as he blinked at his hyung. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why haven't you been answering your phone? Are you really that much of an idiot?" Yoongi roars.

"Nice to see you too." Jimin mumbled, offended. "If you're gonna run away like a little kid at least be mature enough to let me know. I had to find out from Taemin." Yoongi huffs, unamused. "You talked to Taemin?" Jimin asked, taken back.

"I didn't have much of a choice, you didn't text back." Yoongi scoffs. Jimin looks at Yoongi before shaking his head. "Well I'm fine so you can leave now." Jimin says and goes to shut the door. Yoongi wasn't having that, clearly.

Yoongi stopped the door with his hand, taking Jimin by surprise. "I'm not leaving unless you're coming back too." Jimin stared at Yoongi as if trying to comprehend his words. "Please Yoongi, just go. I really don't want to see you right now." Jimin sighs.

That only seemed to fuel Yoongi. "Well you better get use to seeing me because I'm not leaving." Yoongi shrugs before pushing his way inside. Jimin could feel himself getting more and more frustrated with every passing second.

Just as Jimin went to speak again, someone else spoke. "Yoongi, is that you?" Jimin's mother asks, coming into the room. Both Yoongi and Jimin turn her way. Before Jimin could speak, Yoongi did.

"Good to see you again, Mrs Park." Yoongi says, flashing a smile as Jimin scoffed. "Why didn't you tell me your group mates were coming over?!" Jimin's mother asks, eyes wide. "Actually, it's just me. The rest of our members are busy." Yoongi says, smiling again.

Jimin's mother offers a warm smile. "Oh, if that's the case then feel free to stay as long as you'd like." She smiles from ear to ear. Yoongi looked over at Jimin, a grin growing on his face. Jimin's stomach turned as Yoongi muttered the words, "I'd love to."


When dinner time rolled around everyone sat down together. Jimin couldn't help but feel a tad bit frustrated that Yoongi was still here. He was only doing this to get under Jimin's skin, something he knew how to do perfectly.

"How has my son been in Seoul? He's doing well, right?" Jimin's mother asked, smiling happily as she served everyone. "He's doing amazing. He's really passionate about what he does, isn't that right Jimin?" Yoongi smiled, wrapping his arm around Jimin's shoulders.

Jimin mumbled something that was barely audible. Most likely something along the lines of "If you don't get your arm off of me I'll cut your dick off." Or who knows maybe he said something totally different. Oh well.

"I'm glad to hear that! I was so surprised when he came home all of a sudden. Things are good back in Seoul, correct?" Jimin's mother asked, seeming a bit worried (as Mother's would be) "Things are great, work is just a bit stressful is all." Yoongi says, glancing over at Jimin.

Meanwhile Jimin sat there, hating his life.
He just wanted Yoongi to leave. He didn't want to deal with him being here. "Well I'm glad you two are here. Tonight you can sleep in Jimin's room. He'll lay things out for you so make yourself at home." Jimin's Mother says and Jimin mentally sighs.

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