[F O R T Y - F I V E]

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"Today is the day!" Jimin beamed, smiling from ear to ear. "I'm excited!" Tae cheered, feeling just as happy as Jimin was. Everyone was super happy and overly excited.

Today was the day of SHINee's debut and their party. Jimin was beyond excited and so was everyone else. Any second now, Jimin would have to leave to get everything situated for the party after debut.

As on edge as everyone was, they were also excited to see SHINee finally debut!! They had waited such a long time and now the day was finally here!

"I have to get to the SHINee dance studio! I have to start setting up!" Jimin said, grabbing his many bags of decorations. "I'll help!" Tae said, followed by Jungkook and the rest of the members.

Right now the members of SHINee would be practicing that the place they'd be debuting so Jimin had all the time in the world to decorate. He was excited.

On the way to the SHINee dance studio, Jimin sat side by side with Yoongi, their hands intertwined. If they seemed close before making love, you wouldn't Believe how close they were now.

After that night, the two of them were practically attached at the hip. They were More in love then ever before. Both of them were seeing sunshine and rainbows.

Anyone could tell what they did seeing by how close they had gotten. No one questioned it though, they were just glad that the two of them were so happy. it's cute.

Finally, they arrived at the dance studio and Jimin fleed to the room, eager to start decorating. SHINee's debut started around 5pm and it was currently 12pm so they had lots of time.

Still, Jimin wanted to make this perfect. Today was a big day and he wanted to be able to support his friends. Jimin loved doing nice things for people. It's just the type of person he is.

"Where should we start?" Jin asked, looking towards Jimin. "You can hang these up." Jimin said, hanging Jin a bag of streamers and signs. Jin nodded before grabbing the things. Everyone got assigned a job and then got to work.

After about an hour or two, the room was finally done being decorated. "We should head there now. That way we can meet up with them." Namjoon said, looking around at the beautiful room they had put together.

"Okay, let's get going." Jin said then started walking towards the door. One by one, everyone followed Jin out. On the car ride over, Jimin and the other two youngest spoke, in need to release their excitement.

"I'm so happy for them!" Tae spoke, smiling widely. "Me too. They've waited so long." Jimin said in which the two others agreed. They really had waited so long and now it was finally their time to shine(e).

"I bet they're nervous. I remember how nervous we were on the day we debuted." Hoseok said, smiling slightly. "It feels like just yesterday." Yoongi said, his words a dreamy sigh.

"We really have come so far." Jungkook said. Everyone seemed to be smiling now. "We really have. I'm proud of us." Namjoon spoke, his eyes gazing over all of his members. He felt proud to call himself the leader.

"Let's help SHINee debut so they'll be able to feel this happiness too." Jimin spoke, smiling brightly. "Of course! I'm excited to see how things will go." Jin said as thought back on how their debut had gone.

It was bringing back so much nostalgia. To remember their debut made them seriously appreciate what they had now. They worked so hard and in return gained so many amazing fans..and each other.


When the guys arrived at the venue, Jimin was first to run out in search of Taemin and his members. It didn't take very long seeing as Jimin spotted Taemin right away, pacing back and forth in the lobby.

"Hey." Jimin spoke once he got to him. Taemin stopped, turning to face him. "Hey, thank goodness you're here." Taemin said, his voice somewhat rushed.

"What happened? Why are you freaking out so much?" Jimin asked, curious and confused. "I'm super nervous. They moved our time up to four. We debut in less than an hour!" Taemin cried.

"Just relax, it's going to be okay. Where are the others?" Jimin asked, the rest of the guys filing in behind him. "They're getting ready. I just needed air." Taemin said.

"Well let's go back to them, it's gonna be okay." Jimin said and Taemin nodded before leading the way back, everyone following his lead. Jimin could tell how nervous Taemin was and he wanted to help the best he could.

When they finally got to where everyone else was, Taemin rejoined his stylist. They had exactly thirty minutes until it was time for their debut stage. You could tell everyone was frantic just by looking at them.

"Don't worry, you guys will do great." Jin spoke, trying to spread peace and reassurance. The members of SHINee were grateful for Jin's words. It helped them relax, even just a little.

Jimin watched as each of his members tried to console everyone. Jimin was grateful to be in such a caring and loving group of people. In Jimin's eyes, They really are his family.

Jimin turned, his eyes landing on Yoongi. Yoongi was standing there, his eyes roaming around the room. When Yoongi noticed Jimin staring at him, he smiled brightly.

"We finished decorating before we came so once the debut is finished we can go celebrate." Yoongi spoke. "Thank you for that, it means a lot." Minho said, flashing a warm smile.

"Of course! It's your guys big day after all!" Tae grinned, jumping to Minho's side. Smiling, Minho continued to get ready, as did the others.

As time ticked away, faster and faster, it was soon time for the debut stage. "I'm so nervous!" Onew cried as the guys made their way down the hall. The others were quick to agree.

"We'll be right here watching you guys! Plus we'll be right here when you get done." Jimin spoke, giving them the reassurance they needed.

"Thank you again for coming, I really needed you here." Taemin spoke, his voice somewhat low. Jimin and Yoongi had both caught it though. "Of course. I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

Taemin took that chance to pull Jimin into a hug. What Taemin needed was a hug from Jimin to calm his nerves. Luckily, Jimin's hug was magic and helped Taemin relax instantly.

As the members approached the stage, they began to give each other a pep talk. Speaking about how proud of themselves they were and how they knew this would be great! As it would be!

Finally, it was time. "Please welcome to the stage, SHINee!"


I looked up SHINee's debut stage a while ago and I got really soft uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuw. I hope that's all you imagine while you read this 💕💘💖💗💓💞💝💞💞💗💖💘💕💘💕💘💖💗💓💝💝💞💗💖💖💕💖💗💗💓💞💝💞💓

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