[T W E N T Y - F O U R]

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This story got deleted then it came back. Now I have to back up all of my stories which takes literally forever. It's very stressful😤 also I only have 1 full chapter left of this story that I've written so idk when I'll update next. 😕😅

When Jimin and Yoongi got into the living room they found everyone sitting down on the couch. Jimin's nerves had begun to rise again and he felt terrified. He didn't want them to hate him. Jimin didn't want his best friend to hate him.

"There you are!" Taehyung smiles widely as soon as he sees Jimin. Tae throws his arms around Jimin in a tight hug. Jimin hugs back and squeezes his eyes shut. When Tae pulls back he sits back down and Yoongi and Jimin sit down side by side on the couch.

From the corner of his eye, Jimin could see Jin looking at him. He was clearly waiting for them to come out. Yoongi knew Jimin wouldn't want to be the one to talk so he stepped up. "Okay, So there's something important that I need to say." Yoongi started.

Everyone turned their heads in their direction, sending a wave of nervousness over Jimin. "What is it?" Hoseok asked, his gaze on them. Jimin was afraid to have Hoseok hear this too. Hoseok was his roommate after all.

Yoongi glanced over at Jimin who looked scared out of his mind. "I'm gay, well bi. I'm sure you guys already knew that but I wanted to make it clear." Yoongi said, his voice calm. Jimin bit his lower lip.

"Yeah, we know. Is that what you wanted to tell us?" Namjoon asks, seeming unfazed. Yoongi slightly nudged Jimin, as if telling him to speak. Jimin clasped his hands together, squeezing rather tightly. "Well, um.." Jimin started, feeling his stomach Twist.

Everyone's eyes were on Jimin now. Jin smiled, waiting for Jimin to speak. "I-I'm Gay too." Jimin said, his voice shaky and almost inaudible. Jimin was terrified. Just then, a voice speaks.

"Oh hun, we been knew."

Jimin snapped his head up, his eyes meeting the voice in which it came from. Jungkook was staring at Jimin with a slightly smug look on his face. "Huh?" Jimin asks, blinking repeatedly, his mind blank. "It was always obvious." Jungkook shrugs.

"It was?" Jin and Jimin ask at the same time. "It really was." Tae says, a slight laugh in his words. "Wait, So then you guys don't hate me now?" Jimin asks, confused. "Of course not! Why would we hate you? You're my best friend Jimin!" Tae cries.

"What about you guys?" Jimin asked, turning his attention to Hoseok and Namjoon who hadn't said much. "Why would I hate you? Love is love. I support you no matter what." Namjoon says and Hoseok follows with. "I'd never hate you. Of course I support you."

Yoongi smiled as everyone told Jimin that they didn't in-fact hate him. "So now that that is out of the way, there's one more thing." Yoongi says and Jimin glanced over at him, a slight look of worry in his eyes. Jimin had no idea how they would react to the two of them dating.

"What is it?" Tae asks, his eyes on Jimin. Jimin swallowed as he looked back over at his best friend. "Yoongi and I are dating." Jimin says, his voice soft. A couple of the members seemed taken back at that. "You are??" Hoseok asked.

"We are." Yoongi says, taking Jimin's hand in his. Jimin smiled down at their hands before looking back up. "I'm just surprised. Yoongi didn't strike me as the dating type." Namjoon said. "He isn't." Jimin says, knowing all too well.

"Well I'm happy for you two!" Tae says, smiling widely. Jimin felt his worries wash away. Everyone accepted him. Nobody hated him. His best friends accepted who he chose to love and most importantly, he finally had Yoongi.

"Well since everyone is making such big announcements there's something I would like to say." Tae says, slightly glancing over at Jungkook. Jungkook knew exactly what he was going to say. Jungkook in a way, felt happy.

"Hmm?" Jin hummed, slightly catching on to the whole situation. Taehyung smiles over at Jungkook before taking Jungkook's hand in his. "Jungkook and I have been hooking up for quite some time now too." Tae says as blunt as can be. Jungkook smacked his arm.

"Wait, really?!" Jimin asks, eyes wide in shock. "Yeah really." Jungkook sighs, giving in. "So are you two dating too or?" Yoongi asks, watching the two younger males. "No but hopefully now we will." Tae smiles as he snuggles into Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook smiles slightly, loving the idea of finally being able to date Taehyung. "See, you had nothing to worry about." Yoongi says softly and Jimin smiles and leans into Yoongi. Jimin was happier then he had ever been. This moment was perfect.

"So now that there's four gay guys here, anyone else wanna come out?" Tae grins, turning to the others. "We're good." Namjoon laughs. "Suit yourself, we'll just go have a foursome and you'll be missing out!" Tae beams.

Jimin's eyes widen at Tae's words all while Yoongi scoffs and Jungkook smacks Tae on the shoulder. "You guys have fun with that." Hoseok Says, laughing. "Oh, we will." Tae says, wiggling his eyebrows as he leans over and kisses Jungkook freely.

Jimin smiled instantly. He never imagined Tae would end up being into guys too. In a way, it made Jimin happy. This whole time he had been so afraid to come out but now he had no reason to be. Jimin felt happy.

"Seriously though, we should have a foursome." Tae says once he pulls back from Jungkook. Jimin swallowed as he felt his cheeks heat. Jimin couldn't tell if Tae was joking or he was really being serious. Regardless, he was in for a wild ride.


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