[T H I R T Y - E I G H T]

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I think I finally decided when to end this story. I'll stop at 50 chapters. I'm currently writing chapter 41 rn, so !! I hope you guys are enjoying this story!! The reason I skip update days is because I'll be low on chapters and I don't want to update everything I have and leave you guys with absolutely nothing. So please bare with me. 😅😙

By the end of the night, Jimin was drained.. literally. Yoongi kept it up for so long that Jimin forgot how many orgasms he had actually had.

Yoongi's eyes softened as he admired Jimin's sleeping frame. Yoongi knew Jimin was exhausted now. Yoongi knew when Jimin couldn't hold his hips up any longer. That indicated it was time to stop.

Yoongi reached down and pulled a blanket up over Jimin's body. Even Yoongi was beyond tried now but he couldn't seem to sleep. Yoongi just wanted to admire Jimin.

Knowing he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer, Yoongi let sleep take him. Yoongi didn't even have to fight with his mind about sleeping. Instead, he was out like a light.


The following morning, Jimin woke up to a pounding on Yoongi's studio door. "I know you're in there, Jimin! You have to get up! We're going to visit Taemin!"

Jimin groaned, his eyes opening involuntarily. Jimin glanced down at Yoongi then slowly moved off of the couch, his hips aching. Jimin nearly fell but he caught himself.

Jimin went to walk towards the door but stopped as he realized. Looking down at himself, Jimin saw that he was still in yesterday's outfit.

Jimin yanked his shirt up from the ground and slipped it over his head. Ripping off the pink socks, Jimin jumped to the door and swung it open.

"Okay okay, I'm up." Jimin groaned. Jungkook looked Jimin up and down, grinned, then walked away. Jimin shut the studio door and let out a sigh.

When he turned he nearly gasped at the sight of Yoongi. He was laying there, asleep, and naked. Jimin pressed his lips together as he walked to Yoongi's side.

When Jimin got to Yoongi he pulled the blanket over Yoongi to covered him. Jimin then reached down and pulled his pants on. Jimin was able to undo the harness under his shirt which he was thankful for.

"Yoongi, wake up." Jimin said once he was fully ready. Yoongi didn't budge. Jimin leaned closer, shaking him awake. "Yoongi, you have to-" but Jimin's words were cut off as Yoongi's hand lashed out, hooking his finger on the loop of the collar.

Jimin gasped, his whole body being pulled towards Yoongi's face. "Did you forget you were wearing this when you opened the door?" Yoongi teased, having been awake through the whole thing. Jimin blushed instantly.

Jungkook would never let Jimin live this down now. "Are you still wearing it because you wanted to continue last night?" Yoongi whispered and Jimin's ass screamed no.

"We can't, we have to go." Jimin stuttered, embarrassed. Yoongi's eyes searched Jimin's face before he slowly let go of the collar. Yoongi sat up, not even caring as he flung the blanket off of him.

Jimin bit his bottom lip as Yoongi stood up and pulled on his pants. "Well, go get ready." Yoongi said. Jimin nodded before tugging the collar off then fleeing from Yoongi's studio. Jimin felt anxious to see Jungkook. He'd definitely make fun of him.

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