Mona Lisa | Tentative

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Mona Lisa | Tentative

Nurah found herself sitting in the middle of some cute cafe that was down the street from her apartment. It has been two weeks ever since she last encountered Zayn in that music store. She really couldn't stop thinking about him. With those pretty topaz colored eyes and that attractive smirk he was definitely a sight to the eye. She had been roaming around the area in hopes of running into him again, but sadly she seemed so naive because everything wasn't going to magically go the way she wanted to—so by that she had lost hope.

She had been getting a bit more familiar to Florence now that she can almost navigate her way around without using the gps on her phone. Nurah wanted to be independent. Quite frankly this is the main reason why she moved to this country. She was tired of people thinking that she needed somebody to depend on. The only person that she did need to rely on was herself. Just because she was quite and not so gregarious didn't mean that she needed someone to dictate her life for her. She was a grown ass woman and capable of doing anything.

"Ecco qui," says the slim waitress with bright red lipstick on her thin lips as she gracefully placed food and a drink on the table that Nurah was occupying.

"Oh um..grazie," Nurah spoke wanting to make sure that she said 'thank you' in the correct way. She moved her laptop to the side and looked at the woman who appeared to be around her age.

"Don't worry you'll eventfully learn how to speak Italian soon. But you're welcome," she spoke with sympathy before she simply walked away.

"Oh," she murmured, totally not expecting that.

Just before she was about to dig into this delicious looking muffin there was a sound of a loud high pitched squeal that caught everybody's attention. Nurah looked up to see the waitress that had just served her food clasp her hands together, her gaze filled with happiness. When she finally followed her gaze then she knew why this girl was so excited—it so happens that Zayn had walked in with a elegant framed painting in his possession, and man did he look so damn fine.

"This is really beautiful, wow," she gushed, being a little too dramatic if Nurah might add.

Maybe this is how Italians act, she thought to herself.

"Took me two weeks but I got it done. So where so you want me to put it at?" Asked Zayn who moved a single black hair strand out of his face. When he started examining the cafe to find a good spot to put the painting he actually locked eyes with a beauty that has been on his mind for the longest time. She saw him for sure because her face began to turn to a light shade of pink on her honey toned face. Even though her mouth was stuffed with a muffin she still looked very cute, and he couldn't help but to send a wink at her that unknowingly that caused her to almost choke right then and there.

"Donna would like it right here, she even made space for it," explained the waitress who guided him to the other side of the store.

The man was something to look at, that's for sure. He oozed sex appeal and so much confidence. People weren't ashamed to gawk at the Greek god like man. Zayn was very known around Florence for his paintings that was almost everywhere. He was called a modern Leonardo Da Vinci because his works were amazing and he was starting to set a good name for himself. The artwork that he created were highly appreciated.

"Perfect, just perfect Zayn," smiled the waitress who went by the name of Nancy, her sparkling brown eyes admired the landscape painting. Even though it was a simple flower, it would be sure to attract the eyes of future customers.

"Glad that I can help, just tell Donna to pay me sometime this week. I'll see you around Nancy," Zayn bid her a farewell before he walked away. Instead of leaving, he thought it wouldn't be too bad to go talk to the cute babe that he was already really fond of. He had caught her attention the moment he pulled up a chair to her table, with a smile he sat in it backwards and greeted her. "Hey knucklehead."

"Ugh, you already want me to leave," Nurah was nervous, but she played it off cool by rolling her eyes and making it seem like she didn't want him around. But secretly she was very excited that he was here.

God you work in mysterious ways, she thought to herself.

"You take that back," he shot her a playful frown while he pointed a finger at her.

"I'm good," she giggles slapping his finger away playfully.

"So what are you doing?" He asked resting his chin in the palm of his hand, elbow resting against the corner of the rounded dark wooded table.

"Looking for some museums to go to, it's on my bucketlist," she told him as she moved some hair out her face.

"That's cool," Zayn nodded, and this gave him the perfect opportunity in hopes of taking this girl out.

"Yeah, I'm really into art and everything that is pleasing to the soul," Nurah laughs, soon covering her mouth from how ugly it sounded to her.

But he thought that it was fucking adorable.

He was bound to work his magic, and hopefully it would work, "You know I know some really cool places, I wouldn't mind taking you," he suggested cooly.

"Oh really?" She questioned raising a brow at him.

"Yeah, I know all the right spots. And I would mind showin' ya," Zayn licked his lips, seconds later shooting a wink at her.

Nurah blushed shamelessly, but declined his offer, "Thank you for telling me that, but I'm good,"

"Oh c'mon, it'll be fun," he pouted his lips.

"I know you're trying to be nice and all but thank you..once again," she told him, trying to drop the hint that she was good. It didn't matter how damn fine he was she didn't know him like that. God knows that he could be a serial killer—but to be honest she would let him slay her any day.

Besides that, Nurah didn't know of his pure intentions and she didn't want to get involved with something that would make her look like at fool by the end of it. Yeah he was sweet and all but he was a bit complicated to figure out. What if he just wanted to get into my pants? She thought to herself, and that's how easily her mind began to race a thousand miles per hour. She wasn't comfortable being in this type of situation. It reminded her of the lowest and darkest part of her life, and she didn't want to go through that again.

"Seriously, let me show you around the city Nurah. I don't want you to get lost and I'm not there to help you," Zayn then said to her with a cocky chuckle, and when that came out his mouth he instantly regretted it.

"Maybe you're right," she muttered looking away from him in embarrassment. This is when the atmosphere and the vibe between them had changed drastically.

He swallowed thickly, feeling bad that he was being too straightforward with her. Zayn had to realize that Nurah isn't one of those girls who can be fooled by his smooth words and charming eyes. Yeah, it worked and all but this was different. She was a woman who didn't need to have her feelings played with right now. And he had to soon realize that it she isn't like the rest.

"I-I'm gonna leave now," she stammered before closing her laptop, hurrying up to pack her stuff so she wouldn't be in his presence anymore. Right now she couldn't even explain how she was feeling at this moment. But if for one thing she had to leave now before she had a panic attack.

"Nurah wait," Zayn stood up wanting to catch up to her. But it was too late, she already had slipped out of his fingers.



- BookOfBandz

mona lisa | zayn malik x ella maiWhere stories live. Discover now