Mona Lisa | Closed

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Mona Lisa | Closed

"Zayn! Where are you buddy?" Sauve walked into the apartment with a pack of beer and a loopy smile on his face. He closed the door and locked it before he proceeded to shout. "Zayn! I know you hear me!"

"Yeah, I do. So shut yo stupid ass up, damn. Always shoutin' and shit," Zayn came out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot noddles and a deep frown on his face, along with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"Dude it's Friday, why do you look like a bum?" Sauve asked squinting his eyes at him.

"And why do you look like a lumberjack?" Zayn snapped back, rolling his eyes and walking into the living room with the blanket following after him.

"Okay, you went too far," Sauve murmured putting the pack of beer on the kitchen counter before he went into the living room with Zayn.

"M'not in the mood for any of your games tonight Sauve. I just want to be left alone," Zayn mumbles eating his noddles.

Sauve sighed, sitting on the couch across from him, "What's going on with you man? I thought you wanted to get loose tonight. That's why you called me up, correct?"

"I did but I changed my mind," he told him with a sad sigh.

"Zayn, there's something going on with you," Sauve stated, actually being serious, because when it came to Zayn's mental and emotional health it really concerned him.

"And why do you say that?" Zayn asked, totally oblivious.

"You're stress eating," Sauve deadpanned.

Zayn stopped chewing for a second, looking at Sauve then back at the bowl of noddles as he swallowed, "No I'm not," he defended in an octave higher than usual.

"And your hair looks like a damn mess," Sauve also added in crossing his arms over his chest.

"So? I like it," Zayn knew that he was a wreck but didn't want to admit it.

"You better tell me what's going with you, like right now," Sauve demanded.

Zayn placed his bowl of noddles on the coffee table in front of him, leaning back on the couch and sighed, "I think I really scared her away now."

"Who?" Sauve frowned.

"Nurah," he told her.

" it that girl who came by the store that one day?" Sauve asked with an surprised look on his face.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Oh," Sauve nodded. "How in the world did you get her to be around you? She's out of your league—no offense dude," Sauve says putting his hands up in surrender.

"Maybe she is," Zayn murmured sadly looking down at his lap, getting a bit insecure.

"I..I didn't know you liked girls like her," Sauve said with a nervous chuckle.

Zayn looked him confusingly, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well..I only seen you with white girls Zen," he shrugs.

Zayn got a bit offensive by that, his eyebrows pinching together, "I like her because she's insanely adorable, very encouraging, her smile is so bright, she knows the right things to say, and she appreciates art," he even emphasized the last part because art was something so important to him.

Sauve didn't expect that, "Oh damn."

"Not too mention that I think—hold up wait—I know that I blew my chances with her and because this is the second time I made her run away from me," just by his voice Zayn sounded so sad and defeated.

But Sauve didn't see this as a big problem, "Why are you getting so worked up over this Zayn? She's just some girl that you met."

"She might be some girl that I met but she's one of a kind. I like her personality, the way her skin glows when the sun is shining, and god don't even get me started on her accent. It's like to die for man," Zayn gushed.

"Her accent is pretty hot," Sauve nodded in agreement. But once he saw the glare that Zayn was giving him he cleared his throat and quickly apologized. "Sorry. Keep going."

"I don't want her to be another one of my flings. Hell, I actually want to get to know her and not just fuck," Zayn finally admitted. "She's different from the rest and it's sad that it took me this long to realize that. Nurah is so precious and kind. I feel super bad that I treated her poorly and..and I just don't want to let her go. She's special. And I know I'm not good at keeping girls around but I'll try, I swear I'll try."

Sauve sighed deeply after hearing what Zayn had said, but he still stood his ground in what he believed in, "Zayn listen man, I know you're all up in your feelings right now and that's okay. I just want you to know that you don't have to mope around like your fucking dog died. As I said, you can get any girl you want. It's not like the end of the world. Trust me on this, you're just caught up on her and this is all temporary. Soon enough you'll move on and just forget about her like you do the others, okay?"

Zayn didn't respond to him at all, he stayed quiet and silently got up off the couch so he could lock himself in his bedroom. He ignored the calls from Sauve to come back but he proceeded to isolate himself. What Sauve said replayed in his head so much that his head started to pound from the migraine that was coming along. And what Sauve said got Zayn wondering if Nurah was going to be just like the others.


this was just some insight on how zayn is doing right now & how he is dealing with his emotions at the moment . unlike nurah , he actually has somebody to talk to but it appears that sauve isn't the greatest friend to have 😁

comment your thoughts please !

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