Mona Lisa | Expressive

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Mona Lisa | Expressive

The feeling of Zayn's scalp being massaged is what woke him up the very next morning. His eyes fluttered opened to see the sun shining bright in his face which made him squint his eyes. Next thing he knows, the goddess herself sat up on her elbow just a little bit to block the sun rays from getting into his beautiful eyes. Nurah looked like this glorious angel sent from heaven. He stared at the woman who was in front of him. She supported a soft smile, messy morning hair that was actually really beautiful, and a calming aurora.

"That feel so nice babe," Zayn rasped as her fingernails raked through his hair so lovingly, almost putting him back to sleep because his eyes had closed shut. "Mh..right there."

"The goal was to wake you up, not put you back to sleep," she softly giggles as she leaned forward to place gentle kisses on his face and on his neck.

Getting a bit amped up he opened his eyes back up again, just to look at her. He then took ahold of her chin and brought her lips onto his, giving her a kiss that had her melting like icecream.

"Zayn," Nurah murmurs against his lips, breathing a bit heavily. "Please don't let me go."

He ended up crawling on top of her, kissing her and biting on her bottom lip until they were slightly swollen, "I won't," he promised looking into her eyes deeply.

All she wanted was to be closer to him, and Zayn wanted that too. He had crashed at her place after they had kissed. She wasn't going to let him just slip away after it happened and he didn't plan on leaving her either. So he had stayed as they made out endlessly. It got so intense that his hoodie was on her bedroom floor and her sweats were also on the floor too. Hickeys were on his chest, and some were even between her thighs and up her stomach. Eventually, they had cuddled underneath the covers and fell asleep feeling beyond than happy.

"I don't think I can't stop kissing you," Nurah mumbles against his lips as ran her hands down his beautiful back.

"I'm cool wit it," he cockily replies.

"Sure you are," she rolled her eyes before she went after his lips again.

He chuckled as brushed his nose against her face, and underneath the covers he was rubbing on her thighs that prevented her from even thinking straight. The one thing that was in her mind was Zayn, Zayn, Zayn.

"Closer, please," she whimpers wrapping her thighs around his waist, rolling her hips up so his crotch brushed against her own. And the feeling gave her chills in the best way possible.

He groaned against her lips, and she slipped her tongue into her mouth before he got the chance to say anything else. Zayn felt her hands rubbing all up on his body. He didn't mind it, but what made him jump a little bit is when she played with his boxers and made it snap against his skin, "Damn Nurah."

"Hm?" She was so caught up with everything that she felt like she was on a different planet.

"We can't get carried away..not just yet baby," he told her as he grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them against the bed. With a serious look on his face he made her feel tiny. "M'serious."

"You're right," she sighed, pouting her lips.

"Don't give me that look," he chuckled sloppily kissing her lips.

"M'sorry..just really like..being close with you," she admits with a soft murmur.

"Don't apologize baby, I do too. But let's take it one time at a time, okay?" He suggested.

"Okay," she agrees.

They laid on their sides facing one another again. Being very close and personal—and that's the way they wanted it.

mona lisa | zayn malik x ella maiWhere stories live. Discover now