Mona Lisa | Falling

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Mona Lisa | Falling

It was only a month later after Zayn and Nurah had went out to the square back in October. Everything was going good between them so far, well as they assumed of course. They even went out to different events that took place in October and the festivities were really nice to experience. Seeing Nurah smiling and having a good time is all that Zayn could ever want. Even though he wanted to show her much more and how he really felt about her, he knew that he couldn't do that. He couldn't risk making the same mistakes that he did with his ex-girlfriend Tiara, and he also didn't want to get his heart crushed because he knew that she didn't feel the same way about him. And he didn't have time to get his heartbroken because this month was so crucial to him and he has to stay focused.

He sat on his couch, TV on mute, a nearby lamp on, and his sketch book in his lap. It was almost midnight and he wasn't even tired. Focused, he tried to come up with a unique image that would catch the eye of whoever dared to look upon it. He wanted it to be different than the rest of the works he has done in the past, but he wanted it to represent him who he is as an artist. These past two weeks has been a little tough because he was a bit indecisive of what to actually paint for the grand opening for the museum in Milan. And he had to hurry up before time ran out.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring and it made him groan. Picking it up he answered it without even looking at who was calling, "Hello? I'm kinda busy right now. So I'd appreciate it you would kinda fuck off," he grouched.

"I'm sorry," apologized Nurah on the other line, voice shaking. "I-I didn't mean to bother you. I was just—oh fuck it, nevermind bye."

Zayn's heart literally dropped down to the floor. He didn't even realize how much of an asshole he sounded. And it was too late to say anything because she had hung up the phone, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he cursed as he quickly searched up her contact to call her again.

His leg bounced up and down nervously as the phone started to ring. It was long and agonizing. As seconds passed his heart started to thump out of his chest and his stomach started to churn. Biting his bottom lip he prayed that she would answer him, but she didn't because it had went straight to voicemail. He tried calling again, again, and again. But she wasn't going to talk him, and that's when he knew that he might have fucked up badly this time.

Getting up from the couch he grabbed a hoodie to throw over his head and slip his phone in his back pocket. Taking his keys from the hook and sliding on some chucks before he left his apartment so he could go over to Nurah's.

"Nurah? Please open up. It's Zayn," Zayn begged as he knocked on the front door. Waiting for it to open so he could see her pretty face and apologize over what happened. The cool wind blew against his body which kinda made him shiver just a bit. And so again, he continued knocking on the door, "Nurah, please let me just explain myself. Please just open the door for me."

The door open and Zayn stood up straight, looking into the eyes that belonged to a woman that he didn't want to let slip through his fingers by his dumb mistakes. He swallowed the thick lump in his throat, stepping forward to finally realize that she has been crying. The tears on her face looked fresh and her face was flushed. She looked so hurt, and he believed that it was all because of him. He took another step forward so he could be close. Reaching to touch her face so he could wipe her tears, and she let him do it without pulling away. Zayn wiped her tears and apologized, "I am so sorry Nurah."

"I thought you were finally fed up with me," she sniffs looking up at him with disbelief. "D-Do you not want to be around me anymore? Aren't you sick of me yet?"

He sighed deeply and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear lovingly, "Of course not. I'm just on edge that I have this new project coming up and I'm on edge because I don't know if I can contain my feelings for you anymore Nurah. I like you, okay? I really like you and I'm not sure if I should be feeling this way about you because I haven't felt this in a long time. I've been trying so hard to pretend like everything is fine between us, but it's not and you know it too. I just don't think I can do this anymore...I can't be just friends with you."

"I'm so sorry," Nurah broke down, head dropping and tears falling down her face. "I feel so bad. My god. I'm so sorry that I did this to you."

"Baby," Zayn soothed trying to calm her down, lifting her head back up so she could look at him. "Please..please don't cry."

"Everything is my fault Zayn. It's my fault for putting you through this mess. Through my mess that I created. It's fucking selfish of me and I am so sorry for forcing you to hide the feelings. You have every right to be mad at me and I understand if you don't wanna deal with me anymore, I totally understand. I was scared of getting hurt again if things didn't work out between the two of us. You're such a nice guy, so sweet, and kind..and I didn't want us to get involved too deep with each other, but fuck it now. I have feelings for you Zayn," Nurah finally confessed out.

There it was, the moment of truth was revealed. Zayn stared into her teary eyes and he could see the hurt in them, and it crushed his heart into pieces. He had no idea how much pain she was holding in the inside but he could see it. Nurah was so fragile right now, her walls collapsed right in front of him.  He knew that somebody or many people in her life had broken her heart before, and the thought was unbearable for Zayn because she was so precious. The reason why she wanted to stay just friends with him now made sense. He understood that she was only trying to protect the both of them from being emotionally destroyed if things didn't work out if they tried to be in a relationship. Zayn knew the reason why she kept her feelings hidden from him. And it was all because she scared of being heartbroken..again.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you this sooner," Nurah sniffs letting her hands fall down to her sides along with her head, feeling so ashamed and selfish.

Zayn went for it. He finally went for it and he didn't think twice about it either. In the moment he cupped her cheeks and pressed their lips together as softly as possible. All the wind was knocked out of her lungs and her body caught on fire instantly. He held her face in his hands with care, moving his lips against hers slowly and passionately. She gave herself to him. Gripping on his hoodie again and leaning in closer to deepen the kiss. Nurah felt his body moving closer to hers and that is all she could ever want. She wanted him close, and she didn't want to let go of him either. There she stood as he washed all of her doubts, insecurities, and pain away. As they kissed underneath the stars on her porch and on this chilly night, this is where the feelings they had for each other grew tremendously, and they both finally realized how beautiful it really was.


phew , a bitch can sleep in peace .

- BookOfBandz

mona lisa | zayn malik x ella maiWhere stories live. Discover now