Mona Lisa | Exhort

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Mona Lisa | Exhort
(Sauve in the media)

"Benvenuto nel negozio di musica di Sauve," Sauve greeted whoever walked in the store with his back turned. Once he turned around he saw that it was the same gorgeous woman who had stopped by not to long ago. He smiled at her. "Hello, how may I help you?"

She have him a friendly smile back, "Hi. Okay so like, I'm starting this vinyl collection and I was just wondering if have any of Michael Jackson's greatest hits by any chance?"

"We sure do, but it's rare that somebody wants to buy his records. I think you're the first person so far who had asked. Most people I know don't even listen to him because they say that he's too ' old school' whatever the hell that means, because there is nothing wrong with that," Sauve expresses.

"He's a legend and he will always be one. And plus, I listen to old jams too," Nurah tells him.

"Same, but his vinyls are actually in the front and not in the back. There are over here," he walked from behind the counter and guided her to the front section of the store where a sign read 'exclusives' in Italian along with other records.

"The covers are so beautiful," Nurah gushed looked at the vinyl. "Thanks man."

"No problem," Saue shrugged, then clearing his throat. "Can I ug..ask you something?"

"Sure," she turned to him.

"Have you been getting Zayn's calls? Or even his texts by any chance?" Sauve asked her curiously.

I should've known, she thought to herself before sighing, "I blocked his number, why?"

"Well, he's being trying to reach you for a while now," Sauve tells her. "Like for a long time."

"I told him to simply leave me alone," she grumbled holding onto the vinyl tightly.

"Why would you do that?" Sauve frowned.

"I feel like he was trying to play me. And I wasn't going to get my feelings hurt because of it," Nurah told him bluntly. "So if you're playing message there then I would tell him that I'm not gonna be apart of his games."

"Look, Zayn hasn't been himself lately and I'm getting really worried about him. H-He isn't outgoing, like he doesn't smile, and he's been stress eating too. Like, it's so serious that he doesn't even paint anymore," Sauve explained sounding so defeated.

Nurah noticed how sad Sauve was when he spoke about Zayn and the state that he is in right now. Seems to her like he's a what was she suppose to do about it? But in the pit of her stomach she began to feel a little bit of guilt—but she tried to ignore it.

"I don't know what specifically happened between you two and I don't need to know because that's between you guys. What I just want you to understand is that Zayn isn't good at keeping women around, he just isn't. He isn't the most expressive guy in the world and sometimes he gets a little confused on what he wants. But you have to realize that he's human and he's not perfect, we all aren't," Sauve pointed out.

Nurah's eyebrows pinched together in a frown as she softly asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Sauve's hands balled up as he grew a bit more hot tempered, "Because I'm afraid that he'll slip back into depression again!"

Nurah didn't expect for him to say that, at all. She was very frozen and felt like she couldn't breathe for a moment. How can a guy like Zayn even get like that? She thought to herself. If he falls into depression then it'll be my fault, fuck. The guilty feeling in her stomach began to grow even bigger and it felt like it was eating her alive. She dug her nails into her palm and sighed deeply, "Can I just buy this so I can leave?"

Sauve then got the impression that what he just told her wasn't even worth it and that maybe she didn't care for Zayn like he did. He tried but he guessed that it wasn't enough, "Sure, just follow me."

It was quiet between the two of them as Nurah payed for the vinyl and Sauve gave the item to her. He wanted to beg her to at least consider checking up on Zayn but next thing you know she had left the store.


this was short but kinda important for future references .

- BookOfBandz

mona lisa | zayn malik x ella maiWhere stories live. Discover now