Mona Lisa | Again

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Mona Lisa | Again

To Zayn it felt like time was going by so slow, but truth to be told that September was now over and October was on it's way. He had been feeling really down after Nurah had blew him off at the bar that night. The words she said to him replayed in his mind every single day. He felt like the biggest asshole on the planet earth and wondered why no girl would stick around with him. You might think that he was being too dramatic with all of this but that's just how he feels.

Once the microwave went off he dragged his feet against the floor and walked over to get his noodles out. Once he put the seasoning in the bowl his phone started to ring in his pocket. Groaning, he took it out and looked at the caller ID. And once he saw who was calling he answered it quickly and pressed the device to his ear, breathing shakily, "H-Hello?"

"Met me at the cafe in thirty minutes," Nurah told him on the other line, and next thing you know she had hung up the call.

Forgetting about the noodles he made Zayn raced to his bedroom to get ready. He had took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and managed to put his hair back into a low bun with a black headband to make sure no baby hairs would be in his face. To be honest, he didn't know what was going on with him right now. He was getting anxiously excited but he was also becoming very nervous. It was like he didn't know what to expect and that scared him. He hoped that they were going to talk about them because he had so much to get off his chest.

When Zayn walked into the cafe he was greeted by Nancy the waiter who had walked by with a flirty smile on her face. He looked around the cafe for that certain somebody. And once he finally locked eyes with those beautiful orbs of hers, he began to feel so small.

Swallowing his pride, he tried to take confident steps towards her but he didn't feel as confident as he used to. In matter of fact it felt like he was going to fall on his face, but he luckily kept his balance. Zayn approached the table for two and sat in the chair across from her. He gulped nervously once again. Wanting to say something but no words wanted to come out of his mouth.

Nurah gulped as well, being better at hiding her nerves than he was because she could tell that he was nervous. She laced her fingers together and spoke up first, "I'm glad that you came. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I thought that maybe talking about our problems will help get a better understanding of each other."

"O-Of course, that's all I-I want," Zayn stuttered horribly. Mentally slapping himself in the face.

"For starters, I want to say sorry for being so harsh to you at the bar," she says to him in a gentle yet sincere tone while she looked at him straight in the eyes. "I realized that I went too far and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings if I did. That was just anger and I am sorry that I took it out on you. you forgive me?"

Zayn nodded, "Yes."

"Okay," she replied giving him a tiny smile.

"I'm sorry for what happened at my place a while ago," he murmurs looking at his hands that were slightly shaking due to his anxiety kicking in. But then he looked back up at her to have eye contact with her. "It was wrong for me to touch you like that since it made you feel uncomfortable. On everything, I swear I never intended to hurt you Nurah, honest. I'm not really good when it comes to showing my emotions..issa' bit of an insecurity of mine."

Nurah didn't want want him to beat himself off, "It's fine Zayn, I'm not good at it either. And that's okay because everybody has flaws."

" you forgive me?" Zayn asked worriedly.

"Yes I do," she nodded.

"Would it be stupid if you gave me another chance? Like..I know this is my second time fucking things up, but I'll try harder, I swear," he promised her.

"I'll give you another chance Zayn, because that is why I called you in the first place. But you beat me to it Aladdin," she joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

Zayn actually smiled, something he hasn't done in a long time, "So will you?"

"Of course but underneath one condition," she stated point a finger in the air.

He rolled his eyes but that smile was still on his face, then giving her a shrug, "Okay fine. What is it?"

"We have to be just friends, okay? Nothing more, nothing less," she stated.

Zayn really wanted to interject on that, "But we—,"

"I'm being serious Zayn. This is so that we don't get mixed signals from each other," she explained.

"Okay," he nodded with a sigh.

"So what do you say?" She asks with a hopeful smile.

"I'm in," he agreed.

"Yay!" She cheered. "Great, now stand up and give me a hug."

"M'okay," he murmurs blushing shyly.

They got up to their feet and wrapped each other into a tight hug. It was like a ton of weight was lifted off of their shoulders right now. Not caring if anybody was staring at because this moment was all about them. They knew they could do better when it came to fixing the bond that they had. But they also knew that they could do better as individuals too.


so they made up again yay ! idk if y'all are happy but i certainly am bc they are my babies (lmfao im such a goof , i hate myself)

- BookOfBandz

mona lisa | zayn malik x ella maiWhere stories live. Discover now