Chapter One

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Chapter One

I was anxiously waiting in my seat for the concert to begin. I was in row five, I wish I was closer, but for crying out loud, I was at a One Direction concert!! Me and my friend Justice were together. My mom was the one who bought the tickets, she said she trusted me, which was weird, because, I never got to go anywhere without an adult

Anyway, the concert was about to begin. Me and Justice had made a poster, in our opinion, it looked awesome. We wanted it to stand out, we wanted them to notice it. It had sparkles, and glitter, sequence, anything to make it pop out!

Justice had interrupted my thoughts. "Jane! Jane! Jane! Their on the stage look!!" One Direction had just gone onto the stage, they sang their first song, What Makes You Beautiful, It was one of my favorites from them, after that, they sang, Stand Up, it was also one of my favorites. Everyone was singing along. Me and Justice were having so much fun. I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't have fun at a concert?!


The concert was almost over, I couldn't believe it, it seemed like it went by so fast! Then Justice got a "great" idea "Jane, you know what we should do? I heard that in every concert Niall quiets everyone down, and then the boys thank everyone who helped their dreams come true, you know, Simon" She continued with some more names. "When there doing that, we should somehow try to get our poster up on the stage and put our phone numbers on it, maybe they'd call us, you think?" Oh Justice... She was always coming up with idea's like these.

"Well.. I don't know because-" I started.

"Good! Sounds like a plan!" She said excitedly.

"Alright!!" Niall yelled into the mic. "Could everyone quiet down for about five minutes?"

"Okay here put your phone number on hurry!" Justice ordered.

"Okay, I'm trying!" I answer back.

We were in row five, we were gonna try our best to get the poster up there, they were almost done, We tried heaving it onto the stage,  that failed. We were going to try to pass it up there, that didn't work either. The last thing we tried was pushing our way through the crowd, and trying to get to the front, that did work!

The poster must've interrupted them, because they all looked over at our poster. "Well what do we have here?" Zayn wondered out loud.

"A poster, duh!" Louis said laughing. Liam and Zayn rolled their eyes.

"Well are you going to see what it says?" Harry asked.

"We love you!!! Please be our husbands?!! 255-1234 and 255-4321. Call us maybe?!" Niall read. Harry and Louis laughed, I guess they thought it was funny, me and Justice blushed. "Who threw this?" Niall asked looking through-out the crowd.

There were a few mutters through-out the whole arena.

"Justice no! Don't say anything!" I said in a loud whisper.

"Sorry Jane!" She whispered back, which became into a yell. "We did! Us! Right here!" All five of them looked in our direction. Niall looked right at me, his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"You two, come up here." Liam ordered. He gave a both a stern, but joking look. Was he mad at us? Or was he just messing around?

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