Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

***Liam's P.O.V.***

I don't really understand why El broke up with Louis. Yeah, he told Jane he loved her, but he didn't mean it like that. I mean, he acts like she is his sister. Its kind of weird how close they are. And then the thing with the camera's. That is so strange. Who would set up camera's in all of our flat's. Its just kind of disturbing.

But anyways, I was missing Danielle, A LOT. Every time I saw Jane and Niall kiss, I just felt jealous of them. I'm not really the jealous type, but I really do miss Dani. I wonder if she could stay with us? That'd be great. I should ask if she could stay in the extra flat.

I gathered everyone into my flat, to ask if Danielle could stay with us. "So I was wondering if-"

"Holy carrots!" Louis said interrupting me. He started jumping all around the room. It was actually quite funny. Everyone just burst-ed out laughing. Once we had calmed our selfs, I started talking again.

"Okay, as I was saying, Louis started going crazy, I was wondering if Danielle could stay with us? And Lou, what was that about anyway?" I asked looking over at him.

"Eleanor said that she forgave me, and were back together! And if I invite her, can she stay too? And that's awesome Liam! And, do you have any carrots?" He asked all too excitedly, and then running to the fridge.

"Lets see, sure, thank you, and I think so. And can Dani and El come?" I said looking around the room at everyone else.

They all agreed with that idea. "Will they stay in the extra room?" Niall asked me.

"Ya, probably." I said smiling. "Hey Lou! Tell me what El says!" I said walking over to him. Once he called, she said she loved the idea, and everyone just kind of hung out at my flat for the rest of the evening. I was still really worried about the camera's. I wish we could find them and take them down. But if they weren't inside, I don't know how someone could get them to our flat's, we were up on the seventh floor. It's really strange.

***Niall's P.O.V.***

So Eleanor had forgiven Lou, which was great, now he could be him cheerful self again. And, she was coming to stay with us, and so was Danielle. They were really nice girls. They both made a wonderful relationship with Lou and Li.

We were all still in Liam's room just hanging out. Harry and Zayn were thumbing wrestling, Liam and Louis were talking about Dani and El, and me and Jane were snogging. I felt weird doing it in front of everyone else. We decided to leave and go to my flat. Once we did get there, we mainly just kissed, and talked.

"You know, I need to take you shopping sometime." I told her.

"No you don't, I have plenty of clothes, honestly!" She said kissing my check, how sweet!

"Nope, I'll take you tomorrow in the morning, ya?"

"Niall, no. You don't need to spend any money for clothes on me."

"Its fine, I have plenty of money, trust me." I said, she laughed.

"Okay, but not too much." She said poking me in the side. We kissed. I ended it, mainly because I had lost all of my breath. She laughed.

"I love you, you know that, right?" She told me. I smiled.

"I love you too." We started kissing again, but got interrupted by a knocking on the door.

"Come in?" Niall called. Louis walked in.

"Were all over the Internet, nothing new, but, that's what the camera's were for, come to Liam's room, its live, say hello to your fans!" Louis said sighing. Jane and I looked at each other.

"Um.. Hello?' I said looking all over the room.

We followed Lou back to Liam's room, he was on the computer watching him self watching the computer.

Liam was trying to figure at where the camera's were, by the angle of what the computer showed him. There was eight different camera's one for each flat.

"Aha! I found the camera in here!" Liam walked up to it, it was so small! I'm surprised he found it. He went to all of our rooms and took all of them down, thank god! Now we didn't have to be so up tight about being filmed.

Hm... that was really weird. I wonder who would tape us? And was it for fun? That's a bit creepy...

"Were moving," Zayn declared. "Once we find a house for us to all live in, were moving as soon as possible. I don't want that to happen again, just imagine if the camera's were in the bathroom." He shuttered.

"Good." Harry mumbled under his breath. "Wait, who knows that we live her? Did someone tell anyone else we live here?" Harry asked looking around. Liam shrugged.

"I didn't."

"Me either." Agreed Zayn.

Jane and I nodded our heads. "We didn't either." I said answering for us. That left Louis.

"What? Why would I have any reason to tell some crazy person where I lived? Um.. no." He said shaking his head.

"Okay, so everyone agree's to move as soon as possible?" Zayn asked again.

There was suddenly a knock on Liam's door, it was Charlotte. Let me just make this clear, I do NOT like Charlotte, she is extremely rude.

"Charlotte?" Harry asked.

Charlotte was a girl Harry had met at a club when he was drunk and she had lived with us for about a week, but then he found out she had been cheating on him, so he dumped her. And then she said she would 'Get her revenge', whatever that's supposed to mean.

"Um... DUH! Here's your stupid keys back by the way. Thanks for making me a copy, that's how I got the camera's in here, thank you very much!" Charlotte said looking around.

"Okay, thanks, bye." Harry said slamming the door.

"So, you gave her KEYS?" Liam asked very loudly as she left.

"Yes. I'm sorry, big mistake. Can we just not talk about it right now, I'm way to tired to stay up any longer. Night." harry said leaving Liam's flat. We all went to bed. Wow, what a day. At least we got the keys back from Charlotte. So she wouldn't be able to do the same thing again.

"Goodnight Nialler." Jane said hugging me and then kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight love." I said kissing her forehead back. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled, and went to her flat to go to bed.

I was glad everyone could relax now, knowing there was no more camera's in any of our flat's. And I wonder how she had managed to send the part where Louis said 'I love you' to Jane, and getting her to watch it. And hopefully we could move soon. Even though Charlotte gave us the keys back, she could have made copy's. I hope she didn't, but its possible. And then in the morning, Jane and I were going shopping for clothes! Other than the whole thing with the camera's, it had been a really nice day, just hanging around.

~Auothor's Note~

Okay, they got the camera's figured out, but what's going to happen next? Something VERY exciting!!  Keep reading and voting to find out! And I hope you liked this chapter!(:

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