Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

***Niall's P.O.V.***

"What happened to Jane?" Liam asked me after Jane passed out.

"She passed out after two Vodka's." I told him picking her up and carrying her to the couch.

"I thought she didn't like to drink." Liam questioned.

"Yeah me too. But, I guess since this is a party she wanted to have some fun."

"Yeah, that's true. So I think Eleanor and Danielle are coming tomorrow!"

"That's nice. Do you know when were going to buy a house?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know, as soon as we find one?"

I nodded. "Okay." After we were done talking, he went back to talk with Uncle Si.


When the party got over everyone started to leave. We had to help clean up. "I don't w-wanna clean!" Harry said. He was very drunk.

"Harry, how much did you have to drink?" Uncle Si asked him.

"O-only a l-lot." He said tripping over his feet.

"Mm. Just go sit down." He said.

All of us got to cleaning. I figured Jane was fine, everyone had left except us.

"I hate cleaning." Zayn moaned. Liam shrugged.

"Oh well."


When we were done cleaning I went back to get Jane, but she was gone.

"Hey, where's Jane?" I wondered out loud.

"S-some dude t-took her a-away." Harry mumbled.

"What?" I yelled. "You didn't stop him?!"

"Don't worry, I have camera's, I can see who took her, and we'll handle it, okay?" Uncle Si said. He brought us down to a little room. He had a camera for every room in his house. So I guess the room wasn't that small.

Anyway, he rewound the tape to a little earlier when we were cleaning, and Jane was passed out. There was some guy, but of course, he had a ski mask on! He looked really buff though, and tall.

"What the hell are we going to do if we don't know what he looks like?" Louis shouted. "Why would some guy take MY sister?!"

Louis was really mad. And he was very protective of Jane already.

"Yeah, how will we ever find her?! What if... we don't." I started to tear up.

"Don't worry, we WILL find her." Liam said comforting Louis and I.

"I'll call 911." Uncle Si said.

"Okay." Louis said glumly.

"Hello, this is Simon Cowell.." His voice faded off, because he left the room.

"Liam, I heard I k-kitty cat!" Slurred Harry.

"There's no cat, go sit down." Liam said.

"Okay Daddy Direction."

Liam rolled his eyes, and helped Harry so he wouldn't fall down.

What if we didn't find Jane? I love her, And I don't think I can live with out her.

"They said they'll look for Jane." Uncle Si said walking in the room.

"Okay." I answered. Who would take Jane?

"Can we just go home now?" Zayn whined.

"Yeah, lets gooooo!!" Shouted Harry. "I'm boooard!"

"Okay, I'll finish cleaning up." Uncle Si said. "Thanks for coming! And Niall, don't worry about Jane, she'll be fine, okay?"

"Okay." I said. But, how can I not worry? Jane's missing for crying out loud!


Once we got home, I took a shower, had a little snack, brushed my teeth, and then went bed. I tried falling asleep, but I couldn't, I only got about an hour of sleep for the whole entire night. I mean, how could I sleep? Knowing Jane was gone.

~Auothors Note~

Uh-Oh!! Jane's missing!! :O Comment what YOU think will happen!? And I hope you liked it!(:

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