Prologue: To become obsessed

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Kisshu's POV

It hurts.... It hurts so damn much to see her happy with that treehugger... He's not worthy enough for her, why can't she see that? Oh, I wish I could make her smile like that, that smile she shows when she's truly happy, but I can't... I'm her enemy, she hates me... Why can't I convince her to come with me to paradise..? ....I'm not giving up on her, she'll be mine... I'm not sure how I'll do that... I can't really force her to become my lover, she's too stubborn for that. So what should or can I do to make her mine..?

I frowned and then I felt like hitting something. "Is it my appearance which disgusts her? My green hair and my huge ears compared to her beautiful red hair and her small cute little human ears?" I whispered to myself. I lied down on my back. I was on the top of some huge building in Tokyo, just thinking about my crush and enemy. 'She simply should be yours and you know it...!' I heard in my head. The voice is right... I mean, why shouldn't she be mine? I'm not as bad as she thinks I am! I can be the right lover for her, she just needs to see that! She will be become mine...!

I laughed slightly to myself, looking slightly mad when I did that, if someone saw me laughing out of nowhere they would think I'm mentally retarded or something... I sighed softly and then I sat up again, looking at the huge city, yet my mind was only set on Ichigo. "Enjoy your peaceful life for now, Ichigo... When I'll be there with you there is no escape..." I told to myself before I teleported away.... Close to Ichigo's house.

'The human is pathetic, no matter if she's a mew or not... When we're ready with her she'll never leave your side again, I'll promise you that!' I chuckled in response to that, hoping this is going to turn out alright. My eyes were fixed on her window, where I would watch my beloved doing whatever she was doing at that moment. "Mine..." I whispered over and over until I fell asleep on the tree next to her house.

Even my dreams... They were filled with her... I can't really call this a crush anymore... It's becoming an obsession... I know it, but like I'll ever admit that to someone, not even my friends, who are as close to me as if we're brothers... Ichigo... Why do I love you..? What makes me want you..?

A/N: A (short) prologue as the beginning of this story.

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