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A beautiful day. The wind blowing, your hair flowing, and silence. You rested peacefully on a cliff. You mediated in the silence until...

Your POV
"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I heard a scream not to far from here. 'Why in Kami do those demons need to interrupt my silence. I stood up and instantly appeared in front of a rather ugly and weak demon who was about to feast on a child.

Wait A CHILD!! I am so not gonna be nice. Not like I ever be nice. "What is a lowly demon like you doing here?" I asked. He turned to me and said, "I am having a meal. But you are being a pest so DIE!" He slammed his hand down to me but

I simply sliced it off with Shi. He screamed in pain. I smelled another dog demon close by. It was getting closer too. I then turned to the ugly demon and said, "You are becoming rather weak so I shall dispose of you now." I quickly lauched at him and sliced him with Ha. I then turned around to face the girl.

She was shaking violently. I walked towards as she said, "Please don't eat me." I then said, "I have no intention of eating you. I do not kill children. They are defenseless and aren't strong ao there is no reason to kill them. Here take my hand and we shall find your companions." She smiled and it actually warmed my heart. She then said, "They should be that way." The dog demon's scent was getting closer as I walked.

We soon arrived at a campsite. A demon imp was laying on a two headed dragon demon and the dog demon was laying on a tree staring at me. I put the young girl down and turned away, until I felt a tug at my kimono.

I looked over my shoulder to see the girl tugging at my kimono. "Can you stay please? I really like you and you seem nice." I then turned around fully before saying, "I doubt your companions would allow me to stay."

She then ran over to the dog demon and said, "Lord Sesshomaru can she stay please! Please! Please let her stay Lord Sesshomaru! She saved my life!" He looked at her then at me. He then closed his eyes and said, "Do what you see fit. I do not care. Just know that if Rin's life is taken, I will personally kill you."

I stayed silent because I really didn't care about his threat. Rin smiled and ran to me and hugged me. She told me that the imp was named Jaken. He seemed annoying. She then told me that the two headed dragon demon was name A-Un. She asked me my name. "I am known as Y/n." She smiled and said, "That is a pretty name." I then heard an annoying voice say, "That name is horrible! Lord Sesshomaru is a better name than her name!" I growled lowly and Sesshomaru looked at me. I calmed down and looked at Rin. Jaken seemed to be stunned that I didn't do or say anything to him.

We started rest at the campsite. I layed on a tree silently meditating. That is until Jaken disturbed me. "Woman! Have you seen Rin!?" I gave him a blow to the head and answered, "Do not disturb me. I have not seen Rin either." Sesshomaru then got up. I opened one eye to look around for Rin. She was behind a tree hiding from Jaken.

"Jaken. Rin is capable of handling herself. If she is indeed in trouble then she would scream by now." Sesshomaru said. I went back to meditating because I knew Rin was behind the tree. Jaken again disturbed me. "Woman do you not care about Rin's safety!!" I glared at him before kicking him to the tree on the opposite side. He went through it and whined. "I said do not disturb me. I will not say it again." I said almost angry. Jaken groaned in response.

Rin then came out of hiding and sat next to me. I opened my eye to look at her. She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I could tell she was about to ask me something. "C-can I sleep on you?" She asked. My eyes widenes but softened afterwards. I took a quick glance at Sesshomaru, who was staring at me, clearly waiting for an answer. I sighed and straighten my legs so they could be side by side. She then smiled and layed down on my lap. She quickly drifted off to sleep.

Sesshomaru POV
This woman. She is different. A demon she is but she is different. Why must my heart beat like this? What is this feeling? Is it... Love? No, it couldn't be love. I don't have such feelings.

(A/n: You liiiiiiike her! If you get the reference I am giving you a shout out and you are a god/goddess)

/next day\

Your POV
I wake up only to see Jaken, A-Un and Rin. Sesshomaru is nowhere to be found. Well I guess he left or something. His scent is still strong so it's nearby. I decided to stay with Rin incase of any type of attack. But one thing rings my mind. 'Why is my heart beating fast when Sesshomaru is around?' Could it be love? No...It couldn't. Is it?

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