The battle for the twins

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It's been two days since we started searching. Aiko and Akio's scents are faint and sometimes they fade away. Along with their scent is a faint smell of blood sometimes.

"Mom...I found it!" Himari exclaimed.

I jumped down in front of her and so did Itsuki.

"Lead the way." I told her.

She smiled and nodded. She soon started dashing into a direction as we followed. Aiko ans Akio's scent became stronger the closer we followed.

/2 minutes later\

We arrived at a clearing. I knew their lair was here. Hiding. Their barrier is as weak as an untrained human.

I lifted the barrier just by touching it. It soon revealed a gigantic medieval looking castle.

Looks similar to the one I saw in my dreams.

I entered and so did Sesshomaru, Itsuki, and Himari.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's seems you made it!" I heard a horrible voice.

I looked around and saw a girl who looked around 5 and a boy who looked the same age.

I looked around and saw a girl who looked around 5 and a boy who looked the same age

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"Shall we take matters into our own hands brother?" The girl said.

"Of course!" The boy said.

"Oh pardon my rudeness! I am Myou and this is my twin brother Kurai. You have to move past us in order to move to the next opponent. Well you won't pass because you'll die!" She said.

"Let's just get this over with..." Kurai said with...a blush.

"Why are you blushing brother? Have you fallen for that pup?!" Myou asked.

"N-no! I type of feelings for her!" Kurai said as his blush darkened.

I smirked.

"You can't hide it. Your blush is getting redder by the minute!" Myou argued.

"SHUT UP!" Kurai shouted.

He lunged at her as she sended him a blast.

After the brightness dimmed we saw them both on the ground sleeping. Or uncouncious.

I shrugged and continued to follow my nose. It led me to a lab I'm guessing.

"Hehe! I see you've made it Y/n!" Said the horrid voice I wished to have never heard again.

"T-Takashimi!?" Itsuki exclaimed.

"Yes. It is me before you. Takashimi! Mwahahah!!" He shouted.

I sighed and facepalmed. I walked up to Takashimi and kicked him where the sun don't shine, then I stabbed his head with Shinha. He died instantly.

I'm seriously not in any type of mood to fight anymore oppone-

"Oh wow so I see you've made it past the twins AND the revived Takashimi!" Said a deep voice.

"Just when I didn't want to fight." I mumbled to myself, putting my head into my hand.

When I looked up I saw three people. One was sitting on a throne, the other two were beside him and when I took a good look at the girl, I saw that she was Sonasu, and that she was holding Aiko and Akio!



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"Now you can sit here and watch your lovely twins die!" The demon in the throne said

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"Now you can sit here and watch your lovely twins die!" The demon in the throne said.

"My apologies master but shall we introduce ourselves before partaking in the killing?" The other girl said.

"Of course! I am the leader of the Shinsi Hakamaru Clan, Hotaru! This woman next to me is my 2nd in command, Akki! And I'm sure you know my 1st in command, Sonasu!" Hotaru said.

I growled when I heard their names. Hotaru chuckled and smirked evilly.

"Well we should start. Sonasu give me the pups." Hotaru commanded.

Sonasu grinned and gave him Aiko and Akio.

I growled louder. Sonasu sped up in my face while sticking her tounge out towards me.

I clawed her face as she attempted to dodged but she didn't leave without a scar.

She held her cheek as she frowned.

"You two can distract the demoness while I kill these brats." Hotaru commanded.

They both nodded and lunged at me. I quickly dodged with wide eyes.

'Sonasu is faster that she used to be.' I thought.

Without warning I was struck by Sonasu's claws and Akki's sword.

The sword cut through my stomach and her claws scraped my shoulder.

I was surprised! I was never the easy target. What happened to me?!

"Mommy!" I heard Himari scream.

I turned around to see Sonasu with Himari held by the throat with a blade pointing towards it.

My eyes widened and I turned into something I thought I never would.

A monster....

Full Moon {A Sesshomaru x Reader} ^w^Where stories live. Discover now