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"Sesshomaru. The only reason I was able to break free was because of my love for you."

"What?" He questioned. I looked at him and said, "You heard me. I fell into a stupid emotion called love. Now that you are informed of my behavior I am taking my leave."

I turned but was soon pulled by my wrist. I turned my head to face Sesshomaru only to be met by his lips on mine. When he pulled away I was dumb founded. He then said, "I feel the same." He then flew off and I flew with him. I didn't make eye contact with him and I didn't speak to him. I didn't know how to react.

When we reached Rin and the others I lay6ed on a tree and meditated. Only before Jaken started to speak to me. "Where have you been you idiotic, disrespectful weakling!" I grabbed him and threw him to the tree trunk as he slid down I said, "Call me another name and I will not hesitate to slit your throat. I don't wish kill you Jaken. I have told you not to disturb me when I am meditating." He then groaned in response.

I went back to my meditating. Kagura then started to act all lovey on Sesshomaru. "Oh Sesshy we should go someplace secluded~." I almost growled but I replaced it with a grunt. Rin came up to me and asked, "Can we go and catch some fish together?" I then nod and looked at Kagura.

I then said, "Kagura if you want a place secluded I will take Jaken and A-Un with me and Rin." She smiled and said, "Oh please do it mutt." I paused. "Mutt?" "Oh yes. You are a mutt. A dirty mutt." I growled. With my demonic speed I had Kagura pinned to a tree while I was holding her neck. My grip was tight.

She kept clawing at my arms but it was futile. She then raised her fan and Rin screamed, "NO Y/N GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" I didn't care or listened. She then chocked out. "D-dan-ce of B-bla-des!" Just then blades came towards me. I didn't move. Not one inch. I wanted to kill Kagura.

The blades hit me.


"NO Y/N!!" I yelled. I cried my eyes out. I didn't want her to die. Dust was everywhere. I fan it away. Kagura fell into sight and she was unconscious. I looked around and there was no Y/n. I cried more.



























I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't cry Rin. I'm still here." The voice said. I turned around only to see Y/n. "Y/n!! You aren't dead yay!!" I hugged her tightly. Lord Sesshomaru came over to us. He then said, "Rin I will borrow Y/n for a while. Wait here." I nodded my head as Y/n was being dragged away by Lord Sesshomaru. They will make a great couple.

Your POV

"What is it Sesshomaru?" I asked annoyed. Although I wanted to be alone with him, I didn't want to speak to him for the time being. He turned my way and said, "I... I... Gah forget it."
WHAT THE HELL MAN! I walked like two miles from Rin and you just say nevermind?! Wow what a disappointment. We had walked back to the camp site. It was getting dark and I felt sad for some reason. Why?

Kagura fell asleep on Sesshomaru. He seemed to be ok with it. But I feel heartbroken. Why?

Is it because Kagura is sleeping on him and he doesn't care about it?


Is it also because you don't know if Sesshomaru returns your feelings?


Stupid he said he felt the same way!

He never looked at me when he said it. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference!

*yawn* ok well we should go to sleep

I drifted off to sleep. I just had an argument with myself. That has never happened before. Sesshomaru what are you doing to me?

/oke now A BIG timeskip\ lol nope! 😋
(4 months later)

Rin was torturing Jaken while I was leaned against a tree watching the two. Sesshomaru was on another tree as Kagura was trying to cuddle with him. I've been a heartbroken, silent demon for 4 months now. I can't do anything. These emotions led me to this. I feel like I wasn't supposed to love Sesshomaru. I hate him. I hate him and Kagura! They can be the happiest couple in Feudal Japan and I won't give a damn! No... I would care. I still love Sesshomaru.

I don't hate him. I put those words in my head but they aren't true. I love him with all of my heart. "Hey mutt get me and my darling Sesshy some food!" Kagura shouted. I stayed silent and sat still. She shouted again, "MUTT get me and Sesshy some food!" I stayed where I was and stayed silent. She then got up and stomped over to me.

She was about to slap me but I caught her hand and looked her deep in the eyes. "Do. Not. Disturb. Me." I said. I then threw her into a tree trunk with more force than I usually do Jaken. Kagura then screamed, " Dance of Blades!" The blades came rushing towards me. "Naginata Shinha assemble!" Shi and Ha turned into Shinha and I dispersed all of the blades. I then glare at her and say, "If anyone of my attacks hit you, you'll immediately die. So I suggest to go find your own food wench!" I saw her eyebrow twitch as she shouted, "Dance of the Dragon!" I did the same thing I did with her first attack.

She looked shocked. I said, "I suggest you sit down now before I get up." She growled and I growled louder. She then sat down and said, "Fine. I'll stay alive so Sesshomaru's child doesn't die." My eyes widened. Child?! He actually did that with her?! With HER?! I then stand up. "I'm going for a walk. I'll return soon." I then walk into the forest and I arrive at a clearing.

It was beautiful. A waterfall and a few flowers were around. I sat down and I wanted to meditate but I couldn't get my mind off of what she said. 'Fine. I'll stay alive so Sesshomaru's child doesn't die.' Those words replayed in my mind. My heart shattered the more it replayed. I feel someone coming but I ignore it.

Soon I face Sesshomaru. "Y/n look. 4 months ago I wanted to tell you something." "And that is?" I reply bluntly. He replied, "I love you. I have loved you for 4 months. Kagura and I have never went out. We have never had sex and I have never even thought about having her birth my child. I want that person to be you. Nobody else but you." He then stroked my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back.

A kiss that turned into a passionate one. It soon turned into making out. I could've sworn I felt something hard poke me but I didn't care at the moment. Then the annoying voice of Jaken made us separate from our kiss. "Milord! Milord! Something bad has happened to Rin!"

Full Moon {A Sesshomaru x Reader} ^w^Where stories live. Discover now